
Showing posts from December, 2009

The Truth of This Day

The Truth of This Day The truth of this day is I need to raise 1000.00 to meet obligations for December. I have tried all I know on my part and do have the faith. I never give up or doubt that what is asked for will be granted , and at times all you can do is turn it over to the universe in prayers you have provided all assistance you can on your part. I do not wish to go into the New Year with this debt, and so be it. That which is announced will be provided.

Completion takes many forms

Completion takes many forms         In the early 60's, my dad's brother one summer methodically loaded up his kids in the car, and over a course of a couple days went to various relative's homes, including ours and left his kids. Never to be seen or heard of again. Decades of family speculation on where he had gone/lived or if he was still alive were without answers. Attempts to find him were not productive and over the course of years his immediate family continued the process of passing from this world without knowledge of where he was at. My grandmother lived for about a dozen years after this, always holding out hope that he would return, or she would hear from him. But it just did not happen.     On March 20th, my aunt died who was his older sister. Within days after her death, an obituary was received at their home. This lone brother that had disappeared so long ago had passed from the world on March 17, with instructions to send his obituary to his sister after...

Grandiose Experiment

Grandiose Experiment         The grandiose experiment, in definition slumbering of the soul. Refining into perpetual balance. To do so unattached from that which has became a selective program of slumber.         You chose a program of slumber to best benefit being able to exist of the dream state. Ongoing glimpses allow you to touch the real self, but do not totally distract you from the choice of leaving the slumber.         To leave the slumber dos not have to be a choice to leave the program of choice. But to jolt from the slumber would not benefit the choices you have made. You are neither here nor there, as you have not departed.         Many believe that to leave the slumber, is too return to an all-knowing God state of being. When you awake in the morning, did you not do so in a continuation of your yesterday? Rather than waking to be of many levels beyond yesterday...

“It’s funny, when we no longer "want to" we get to”

"It's funny, when we no longer "want to" we get to"     This one seemingly very simple line is what our life is about, and what/why/how we chose to become part of this world. But then becomes forgotten. Our soul truly knows our deepest desires.  We can call that God/Goddess, any form or belief structure that we choose to identify with on a spiritual level. All races, cultures, religious orders, spiritual paths that we choose to give title too. Truth of the soul takes on many faces as one.     Titles become divisions in humanity. A Christian prayer, a Muslim prayer, a Pagan ritual, being Hindu and feeling a connection to Buddha and many more. But in truth, each is our speaking to our soul. Can the soul of creation truly find offense in how it is spoken too? Does the color of the skin, or the culture, age, belief that is chosen change the connection or conversation?     In doing so "wants" are being displayed and expressed in alignment wi...

Conversation with Source 063/27/2003

Spiritual Windows Blog Spiritual blog authored by L S Myers, in connection with Conversation with Source 063/27/2003 I came across this today in my documents, while I was filtering what I had stored on my computer. Thought that maybe you might find it interesting. For myself almost four years ago seems like a very short distance but yet quantum distance. Blessings, Linda 6/27/2003   Source energy : the exit is the entrance to a new order of things   Myself : gets much more complicated than just going to heaven as many believe. Even heaven would be an illusion according to expectation in a sense.   Source energy : true unless you have been there then it becomes a waking dream that never ends   Myself : but if someone was expecting to see something according to the beliefs that they had, would that still be there, or would those beliefs wash in the crossing.   Source energy : in the beginning they see what they believe, and then they...

Journey to 2010

As Christmas 2009 is concluding across our world in a celebration of beginnings, I bid adieu to one of the greatest Christmas's I have had. With children and grandchildren present, to my own surprise the time together was wonderful. With a tinge of sadness seeing the day slip away again in wait for another year, I remember this also as being a birth of new beginnings for 2010. Harmony, laughter, and together in love I allow to lead us all into the new year. For all those across the world who have those they loved and let go at Christmas time, memories of old and new, joy and sorrow revisit each year. My mother left this existence almost six years ago, naturally thoughts travel back and with her at this time of year, the tears flow in my silent times as they did this year, yet were followed by comfort and a smile. Being reminded she will never be gone from this world if I choose to emulate those parts of her which were dear to me and by example leaving those parts for future genera...

Do I Believe?

Do I believe there are dimensions where time does not exist? Yes Do I believe your thoughts and perceptions of your own creation? Yes Do I believe what is spiritual can take any human form? Yes I believe Santa moves through everyone if they choose to believe. By announcing their greatest desires and wishes at this time of year, or any time of year an ability to create and manifest exist for all. On December 8th, my granddaughter and her parochial school class took stockings to school for St. Nick to pick up, which were returned before the holiday break full of items to hang at home. The Catholic Church acknowledges St. Nick to believers and the hearts of children as a spiritual being of existence. Can the spirit Christmas move through masses of this world for one time each year and bring a time of more comfort and joy than any other time of year, Yes! The Story of Virginia and the Post or many other tales of folklore over the ages has kept the spirit alive. What exists is reality in...

The web we weave

The web we weave On a site today frequented, a conversation rambled through the day in response to a contributor's writing in defense of a person in the news lately, and the discord associated with this person. Who, what, where or why is not as important as the energy collectively that began to build from his commentary. What emerged was a segregation of thinking of members of the site, as too whom they felt were allowable attributes in their life concerning intellect, status, political nature, etc. Even coming down to somewhat of a race issue, but the new segregation being exposed went far beyond segregation, as it has been known in the past. We all set our own parameters in life of who we gravitate to, and to what level. With the age of cyber, those levels seemingly are also related to a level of how informative associations are in our life. If life is not complex enough, there is always a new way to weave the web into either f...

“God had a solution before you ever had the problem”

"God had a solution before you ever had the problem" When I write the blog, I write through my own experience, rather than readings applied to thought. At times, simple statements do take hold, that are heard and for myself I search for self-validation of the statements. I see mortal existence as review of your spiritual existence, with everything already done and just our opportunities, to maybe make changes in our thought process. With those changes, other probabilities manifested according to the way our thoughts and desires change. Our denser side, or shadow side largely is the ego pulling you back into your mortal reality of saying this is not so. Many paths of belief teach to pray, wish, etc. for what you desire and to focus on bringing that desire into your life. I know longer do this, rather I thank for the desired outcome before it is seen, and state when this has been manifested in my own life. Choosing to live more in the mirror of everyth...

What is Fear?

What is Fear? Fear is not having a predictable outcome; this applies to all scenarios of life. Fearing the unknown, at times we are aware of possible outcomes that create a fear yet that really is still the unknown. The possibility and probability of an outcome, in a general sense and having limited knowledge, but not enough to relieve the fear of the unknown experiences in life. Worry is an emotional reaction preceding fear. Worry itself is not fear, only a marker to our senses that an unpredictable outcome could be waiting. Worry fuels a level of fear. How many times have you worried to the point of a physically unhealthy state, though found the outcome as being nothing to worry about? Creating a tremendous loss of energy and time in your life. Fear is a natural emotional state of the human ego, of the mind and your consciousness. When you can drill through the conscious state and unconscious state of the body, your super consciousness of spirit is the calming influence. All a...

Spiritual Freedom in America

  Spiritual Freedom in America In 1998, a bill was drawn and enacted by President Clinton to guarantee the rights of people in other countries to be free from religious prosecution. Incorporating that fundamental into policies drawn with other countries that their religious beliefs would be recognized and protected in foreign policy. Yet, here in America lines/divisions are drawn by governments, federal and local, school districts, townships, etc. excluding religious freedom in public gatherings, public grounds, and group gatherings such as in schools. Not only applying this to the Christian faith, but countless other paths of beliefs. Largely the divisions arise between Christian and Non-Christian paths in terms of where legal lines are drawn. We support as a governing body to the world, restrictions and path of belief are to be shown tolerance and respect, yet negate to do the same in our own country. The differing baseline is not who is being worshiped in many different nam...

PTSD – Fragmenting the psyche and souls of our military   When Iraq war veteran Angela Peacock is in the shower, she sometimes closes her eyes and cannot help reliving the day in Baghdad in 2003 that pushed her closer to the edge. "It's like spiritual psychology," Peacock explained. "You explore your place in the world and your place in life."   PTSD – Fragmenting the psyche and souls of our military PTSD seems to be largely a new term of this decade effecting the enlisted and retired of our military stretching back through time to all survivors of war. Leaving men/women and those connected to and loving them also affected. Taking a drive through Leavenworth, Kansas years ago, I noticed average people who looked like they were in their 50's. I asked why they were on the street in a small town of Leavenworth, and was told they were veterans who have trouble finding their way back in civilian life, and presumed to be from the Vietnam War. As...

World on the edge

World on the edge At this time, it seems we are living in a world that is on the edge, this may seem like a strange phrase to some and a question of "the edge of what?" A society ignited from within, and unsure how to use of disperse the sudden jolts of energy that are felt building through their energy bodies. For people that are in tune with the energy body, the ability to diffuse or redirect the channels becomes commonplace. Many others, unsure of the increased progression of energy choose random acts that are sometimes without provocation in their lives. Tension within families has risen to all time highs and acts of violence towards their own family members have been acted out frequently over the last couple of years. Causes being seen or related to as environmental, unemployment, war, etc. The energy body of the mortal being continues to increase in volumes taking these factors as a mortal cause for the change in a spiritual body. Without understanding, many fin...

“God Listens”

           Over the last few days, I allowed myself to be wrapped up in the worry over an issue, which a greater part of me knew the basis to worry did not exist, but at times, this part of us takes reign. Although being told repeatedly, I had nothing to worry about and I still was not listeni Walking across a store parking lot after exiting the wrong door, I started weaving to the other side of the lot, irritated at one point when I had to divert again around some cars which took me in a path approaching a huge black SUV and I looked up. On the back corner of the upper back of the vehicle, a bumper sticker had been placed on the corner. Looking through the sun, I started to read the sticker, which simply said "God Listens." In the middle of a parking lot I just laughed and understood once again, I had nothing to worry about. Synchronicity in motion to filter into our thinking when the communication is not being acknowledged. At the point, once again I realized how much us...

Questions to ask when writing for self-examination

Questions to ask when writing for self-examination I have been asked many times about writing a book. Questions concerning the after effect when completion, but that is not where the focus should be. The focus should be from the first word until you complete your writing, and a self-examination that follows. Here are a few questions to ask of yourself, before tacking the world beyond your written words. Now that you have, wrote the book, how many times have you read your manuscript?   Was the manuscript read, out of need or desire?   What type of energy was with you when you read your completed project?   Would you describe your effort as work or love?   Do you choose to speak about a "great" book that you helped create? Or are your thoughts on the future and what this book may bring into your life?   Do you find yourself relating aspects of your life in your writing?   Life is seasonal; will your writing creation carry beyond the seasons of ...

Teamwork of the Large and Small of Your Existence

Teamwork of the Large and Small of Your Existence Kanye West on an appearance with Oprah at one time discussed with her being in New York and spotting her limo, proceeding to tell her he would be on her show someday – Oprah responded with a comment, which indicated not just everybody, is on her show. At the time, Kanye was not "large" enough for her attention. Oprah is a dynamo; she completes what seems to be the impossible without hesitation, if she chooses so. You might be saying "So what?" Absolutely every person is both Kanye and Oprah. On some level, you have a focus on large dreams and desires, yet also hindsight through events in your life, which now seem complete and another day passed as Oprah might see events in relation to the world, in comparison to an observer seeing those events in relation to only Oprah. As Kanye, focusing on another to be their point of validation, possibly really ignoring the self-appreciation of the steps and goals accom...

Expand from within – you are the source

Expand from within – you are the source Receiving another email this morning connected to one of many spiritual teachers in this world at this time, who has proclaimed themselves masters of a path, with the same theme to disregard thoughts and beliefs and follow. Expansion of the consciousness is just that, not a deflation, or remolding of your beliefs. Not, a sign to disregard and rebuild your thought process from adhering strictly to the words of another as your own beliefs, only expand upon everything you ever believed or been taught. In remolding, you are finding a fault in how you choose to believe. The universe is only waiting for you to build upon your core of thought in expansion and acceptance of who you are, rather than whom you are to follow through life. When you complete your experience of life and rejoin your higher self fully, let it be with the intention of self-expansion. To end your life complete in following another, will all lessons be learned. Expansion is t...

What is Bravery?

What is Bravery? Bravery is a term always used in reference to a past event or situation in life, defined according to risk factors and self performance when a decision is made in the moment directly influencing your actions that are being taken. A past tense description of connecting an act with the emotions, outcome and perception of either you or others, as an act of bravery occurring. Yet, what are happening in a split moment of decision are life choices. Physically your adrenaline is pumping to the point of fear not-existing, acting in response of survival either for yourself or another who might be present. All thoughts of time/space or the next moments of life are stopped; only one moment exists in this space. Strength, determination, rapid thought processes all become one to resolve the presence of what is at hand right then, right now. Everyone at sometime in life has found themselves in this time bent space o...

Running the Race

Running the Race Growing up in a very small town of 100 homes, and only six main streets was my world when I was young, with my mode of travel being either on foot, or the back of my horse. At times, I was on foot chasing down a stubborn horse so I learned to pick up the pace when running when I was very young. At that time, one elementary school provided education for all children from Kindergarten through sixth grade. The school yard was bordered on two sides by open fields. Spring would always bring gym class going outside to run races. One spring day through a frustrated gym teacher, I learned something about life which has remained since that time. The class would run races in groups of three at a time. I had already ran three, won three, and each time I would look at the teacher while walking back his eyes just seemed angry. I couldn't figure it out, what did he want! I had ran three, won three only to be met with disgust again....

A thought to ponder

A thought to ponder "As you climb your ladder of life, remember when you meet another – climb with them if only for a moment, climb together and learn together as you choose, there is always room for another, knowing the climb has already been completed with only you choosing how to retrace the steps of your existence. What you do today ripples through all you have ever been or will be." Linda

When is it time to let go?

When is it time to let go? When is it time to let go? When major losses come in life, whether that might be from a death, relationship, even children growing up – a time of letting go is necessary in going forward. Trying to recreate, what can not be created again signals for letting go. In the event of a death, this process could be years in finding a point of letting go, from a relationship – allowing and accepting each of you to move on without judgment. Children growing up, allowing the experience of the future to be viewed through the eyes of your children as parents, trusting them and allowing them to grow and be their best version of parenthood they possess. With each experience of letting go, questions have to be answered and forgiven of your own being of self. Asking the questions, at times in receiving answers and at times, accepting answers will no longer stall you moving forward. Waiting on another will not take you to where the next journey awaits. Making room for ...

I want that ONE moment back please

I want that ONE moment back please Reading this column on this morning brought back some memories. At 24 and free to do what I wanted to one night, while my Dad was in a hospital waiting for a "routine" test the next morning, I thought there would be time later to call him and let him know I cared. That next phone call could never be made. The routine test took his life that morning. All the times I could have just called my mom, and said "tell me about you!" I always had a reason to talk about me, those stories and part of her life were left unsaid. Take time today to share a story you have with those younger in your circle of life, or make a call, plan a visit today and just be attentive in one moment of your life being shared. Above all, take time to laugh and be thankful you still can with those in this world. In the moments of your life, being the storyteller, the Elder,...

United we Stand, Divided We Fall

United we Stand, Divided We Fall Reading a commentary yesterday by a Wall Street analyst, fueled by the fire of banking executives being denied their bonuses, with a feeling that if you take away the bonuses of not only them but those on Wall Street, you are creating a loss of incentive for economic improvement in our country during a recession, or any other time as far as she was concerned. Being rebutted by strong republican and democratic supporters, each blaming the other in how the crisis in this country has been created, with Wall Street, republicans and democrats all unified yet dissected as a whole. Our country on many levels of administration is strongly divided without consideration of unification as a people for improvement. The analyst herself, only months ago after our presidents inauguration, clearly feeling that all programs suggested should be shelved, yet now crying "what about the promises you made to us!" Continual denial and acceptance according to person...

Walking Spirits

Walking Spirits Last night I met a friend of mine at Starbucks, and it did not take long before we encountered what I call a walking spirit. Your intuition tells you exactly what has approached regardless of how physical they appear. This one, in the form of an elderly man with a beret on his head, and walking very strong. The patio was empty except for the three of us; he walked from one end to the other keeping an eye on us. They commonly engage with conversation which seems very left field yet relative to the moment. He talked about the patio improvements since the last time he was there, the patio has not changed in over a decade yet he was not open to telling why if he was from their area, he was not aware of the huge shopping center which had grown up around the Starbucks. He also talked about not having tobacco for his corncob pipe, even though he did not have a pipe. Told my friend to come sit by the light of the window for her reading, although no books were present a...

Alignment of Trust

Alignment of Trust In recent weeks, news has become more prevalent in how people align their trust in spirit through the human channel. James Ray in Sedona has been a major news breaker in this regard. I have been watching the blurbs as they un-surface in regard to the deaths in Sedona in the sweat lodge. Watching as a man went from total devastation to proclaiming these deaths would not stop in him the future, and yet today it is being said he was not present in the sweat lodge himself. As said, these are blurbs that surface, but to me the larger story is how deeply this world aligns to spirit/source/God through the physical medium of life. I understand this as I work with healing, being the channel in this world – but only the channel. Knowing it is not about me, I am only the vessel. At times in the process I am set aside completely as I watch spirit take the lead and work in ways far beyond my mortal knowledge. With the intent of the healing being in the highest form possible...

Inner Validation

Inner Validation Something I have learned is when we leave our dreams and success in life to be validated by others, the continuance of the dream is contingent on the continual validation from outside of who we are. When we validate our self from within, we than control the dream and longevity of the success in the choice of how we dream. A harder road than instant gratification, yet worth the patience in continual gratification of whom we have either chosen to be or path we have walked. My own inner validation becoming an outer validation in the process of staying focused in who I am, regardless of opinions in this world and allowing and accepting assistance in an alignment, rather than molding in the views of others. Products, services or how you choose to be present in this world, if built solely on the prospects and need from outside of yourself, you remain a hallow core – fulfilled from receiving to fill a space within. If the product or service and how you are present in ...

“Belly up to spirit, the bar has been raised to experience”

"Belly up to spirit, the bar has been raised to experience" Anyone that has followed my writing for very long is aware of the short patience I have for "Spirit for Sale" approaches. I received an email today from an individual who has attended numerous workshops with nearly every "spiritual master" that the New York Times has produced. For decades, many have relied on written material to receive messages related to spiritual growth. This process had been valid during a time when being spiritual or spirituality being sought was achieved through others with knowledge beyond that which was understood. The idea of this new book being emphasized in the email, would be instructing others on the divine of sex. Hmm.. Backed by workshops attended, taking this information reconstructed in the hopes of becoming a new authority via print. Is anybody reading this in need of a new book of divine sexual instruction to enlighten you? Or, do you really b...