The Truth of This Day

The Truth of This Day

The truth of this day is I need to raise 1000.00 to meet obligations for December. I have tried all I know on my part and do have the faith. I never give up or doubt that what is asked for will be granted , and at times all you can do is turn it over to the universe in prayers you have provided all assistance you can on your part. I do not wish to go into the New Year with this debt, and so be it. That which is announced will be provided.


Anonymous said…
Yes, really. I join told all above. Let's discuss this question. Here or in PM.
Anonymous said…
Just that is necessary, I will participate. Together we can come to a right answer.
Anonymous said…
It is remarkable, very good message
Anonymous said…
Im not going to say what everyone else has already said, but I do want to comment on your knowledge of the topic:) Youre truly well-informed:) I cant believe how much of this I just wasnt aware of!

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