Soul Food - All writing is copyrighted and not to be used without permission
Ahhhh! Your Naked!
You might pinch yourself, check yourself, and then shake your head, or maybe not! But you are naked. Where is this coming from? Physical life is being naked in front of this universe. Everything you do, say, or think might be hidden beyond you, is already known and naked beyond the physical. No hiding it!
You hear over and over again, that everything is energy. That is true, energy that is constantly being recreated by thought, action or desire. But what many do not equate with “everything is energy” is that you really are a spiritual body first, taking a physical existence through your own perception. Everybody in their life has heard or seen apparitions of energy, whether orbs, manifested energies, and such, with a belief they are without form. Exactly how what is termed the other side; sees you! From the other side looking in, you are the shifting energy form, un-solidified; you are spirit, the essence of the experience or adventure that you have chosen. Unmasked and naked to the universal energy.
Why would this even be a thought that would be necessary to examine? If you could really see yourself as transformable energy, rather than a solid mass, this world would know far less disease. Through understanding, that all energy can and is transformed via thought or perception. Instead of disease or injury thought of being physical first and spiritual second, healing would be as it is, or could be, immediate. But yet the illusion that we are solid mass first physically, rather than transformable energy,
healing is seen as being physical first, and spiritual last. And the attachment to the physical need for healing, many times outweighs what is possible. With healing or transforming the spiritual energy, being seen as alternative assistance.
I believe in healing energy, heart and soul. Why? Because at times in my life, I have had to use that process of transformation on myself. In July of 2008, I dropped a fifty-pound Bunkie board from a bed on my foot, straight across right below all the toes. Instantly watched the foot go dark, and knew that there were broken bones in the foot. Experienced the usual numbness that went to incredible pain later. At this time without health insurance, I really felt two choices. Either live with it, or heal it. I focused the energy on the foot, felt the bones shifting back into place, and within a few minutes, walked on the foot normally again, and no longer experienced any pain. Within a couple of days, all the discoloration was gone also.
The same process I use all the time, when working with energy, and knowing that all energy is transformable, if that is the true desire of the recipient. Am I different that anyone else in the way that I work with energy, I don’t believe so. Just carry and unwavering knowing that all is possible, free to be naked before this universe and accepting of rewrapping the physical garment, as chosen in receiving. For this to become that way of humanity, humanity will stand naked in their energy, not after you leave this life, but now. Knowing that all you desire is truly transformable energy, to recreate and manifest as you choose. Focus is the power of intent, in all creating. If you hold that focus with an intent that cannot be doubted, your power is within you, never outside of who you are.
Your path, your beliefs are as unique to you, as the blueprint of your DNA, all are right, none are wrong, just part of the design that you created for a physical experience. How you decide to align and be a part of which you are is the dream maker in action. All beyond this physical world is your cheering section, waiting for what you choose to create to be known, and allowing and accepting yourself to receive. What do you choose to receive today? Dream the impossible dream, knowing that there are no impossibilities. Wrap your naked physical garment with your choices, as you stand naked to yourself.
All paths lead to the “mountain top”
All paths lead to the “mountain top” although it is ultimately an individual journey. At times, we find one to walk with, and other times walk alone, but still walk on a soul journey. My belief is that there is one God and one truth that are integrated through the many teachings that have been brought to this world during creation. Knowledge and understanding of God and the truth is forever evolving also. Both are like the Lotus that just unfolds, intricately and beautifully but never ceases to be less than the point it started from.
What might seem as the most foreign to our physical being, also through the teachings of that culture that is read of, we find parts of ourselves there also. Our soul knows no boundaries of time and space, and we have walked among many people, many forms of knowledge. What is gained is not to be segregated to a specific teaching.
I thank all for asking the questions, that brought the response of being integral and open to many teachings, and taking from those teachings what is needed on the journey. To myself, all is one has many levels of meaning, but also means to accept and acknowledge all parts of myself. To strive to become whole as a soul again and embrace all aspects of who I am, shadow or light and bring that back together again. Not just the physical part of myself in this dimension, but the aspects of myself across all dimensions since the beginning of creation.
When listening to the guidance that I have, I am told I have the ambience of the child with spirit. I love to play, being serious with spirit is something that I have to make a conscious effort of doing, but playing is what brings the most joy. I am thankful for that. We all have that freedom of choice. Is being a child of spirit a need to grow, or a knowing that growth returns you to the child again. To love openly and freely without finding a need to be the student or the master. To be free and unconditional in the choice. Just to love the experience, to love life, to love knowing that choices of the heart are all that is needed. To find your passion and let it be who you are. The universe will follow in providing the desire. Am I at the mountain top, or will I be when I return to spirit, that I do not know, but the journey is to be enjoyed with the only labor being that of love.
“Bearing False Witness”
In as much of all the desires of a creator source that has been given to this world, to myself this is the
most pronounced that speaks to who we are of this earth or universe. When the thoughts of bearing
false witness become applied to ourselves rather than outside of ourselves, the core of which we are in
entirety becomes our own act of self-observance.
The life we are living is a quantum mechanic of a much larger soul process going on simultaneously
through our entire soul structure constantly at the same zero time moment of creation. We are but a
small-interconnected thought of the process, directly linked to a like process of the source of creation.
Are we God itself, not in the entirety of the all presence, or are we the whole of our own soul, but a
moving evolutionary process intertwined with the whole.
All we do also has a cause and effect overall, as all that is being done through the process of our soul
evolution has in this life thought as well. How we acknowledge the truth of who we are and have
chosen to be, is our witness in creation. To deny who we are in light or shadows is false witness. To
choose to obscure or hide who we are is false witness to self/God/source in the creative flow of our
soul being. To change or conform whom we are to mold with what we encounter, is false witness.
Any less than being the conscious truth of who we are, is false witness. To allow the integration of who
we are in truth is witness to the source of our evolution on all levels of being. One of the easiest
commitments of desires to be achieved, but one that in this world seems to be the hardest to allow or
accept or ourselves. To connect, commit, to be as we are in truth.
Beliefs create behaviors and behaviors confirm beliefs
Seems like wherever you go these days, listen to the media, or what form your mind takes you on a search for, you will find people that tell of how incredible they feel inside, how much they have accomplished, and how the spiritual essence in this world is coming alive. Which is all incredibly awesometo hear, and I do believe that this world is headed for greatness beyond what is seen as the problems and tragedies that are told of daily.
What is seen more of are the I statements directed back towards the person that is talking, then the appreciation that is sent out to others on a daily basis. Telling people, they are appreciated. It is easy to sit on the internet and become through key strokes all that you choose to be. I know people that seem to have two identities. One in cyber and one in their physical life. You could say that this is exactly how it should be. That their beliefs about themselves create their behaviors and confirm their beliefs. But many times, they are also confirming two selves that are separate.
Just maybe if these young people that are creating the suicide pacts heard more often how much they were appreciated in their physical world, possibly they would not be gathering in cyber confirming that they do not feel appreciated in this world. That they do not feel their worth in living. Letting those you know and love, know that they are appreciated, and following with the confirmation that they are loved. On some level, everyone has known in life rather large or small that there is love in this world. But not everyone receives the confirmation and validation that they are appreciated just as they are.
That they are living, breathing beautiful people, that do make a contribution by being in this world and appreciated for doing so. You could walk up to a stranger and tell them that they are loved regardless of who they are or their circumstances in life. But watch the glow come over a person when they are told they are appreciated for being just who they are, and that they are loved. The first statement ignites something inside the heart and soul that becomes open to accepting the second statement. Appreciate all you meet as you go through your daily life, and the people that you meet even in the most obscure of places, let them open up inside to feel the love that they are. And just maybe when that person
makes a life choice it will be for living, knowing that they are appreciated and loved.
Bottle of Time
Channeling from Higher Guidance
August 18, 2005
Bottle of Time
What if; a bottle of time could be seen as being destiny? So is the urge and need of so many to find their destiny within a certain amount of time. If time was to be bottled such as so many elements that those here find to sustain themselves in on way or another, than such maybe just a bottle of time would be seen as attainable to complete and finish, and the token for doing so would be to find destiny at completion.
But yet time has been bottled in the form of being non-existent, and yet do they choose to drink what has been given? Time can be chosen to flow incessantly for eons, always being viewed as the future that will be found/will be complete/destiny will be found at “just the right time”. In doing so destiny is passed by every day, which they choose to run ahead of what has been already given.
Birds of a feather flock together, taking time to stop on a tree, wire, or timeline, exchanging glances and looking for direction to lead to a new destination. And in each moment, destiny is once again not seen as being available. The creatures of the skies, seas, earth all are aware of their destiny, completion of cycle at the moment of their creation. Total acceptance for each moment as being fulfillment in their cycle. But yet man, given the same opportunity and resources, treats destiny as elusive. Refusing to accept that destiny is a choice, not a moment or time to be searched for. Destiny can be chosen, and re-chosen at will. Each moment is a new opportunity for destiny to be found and perfected.
Not one choice or option, but a renewed choice in each moment. To find destiny, find the creativity of choosing. Now, an hour from now, tomorrow, every moment in between. Just choose. Choose your desire, choose your passion, choose what you find to be fulfilling. Hold the choice in thought, whetherfor a moment, or a lifetime, but choose destiny to be with you NOW in what you desire to create now.
Destiny is not waiting to be attained or caught with in the cycle, it is available now, but many times it is the last choice made. Choose now child, choose all you desire, create the destiny of choice.
Casting is a word that brings up many different feelings in people. Largely due to beliefs that we
have either accepted in life, or lack of understanding in the world itself, not to mention
understanding casting in relation to spirit. I know it did in me, but this has been what I have
centered in my own teaching lately.
For those of biblical thoughts, casting might still be one of the most understood/misunderstood
processes. Casting is the turning over to spirit/God or your choice of source belief. Whether the
turning over is done in prayer, in using a earth tool such as stones or cards, casting still remains a
process of turning over for assistance.
For myself, I had to get beyond an ingrain belief I had in what assistance might come from casting
from my own background, and develop a new understanding of casting.
Of the process of casting turning over your:
1) Doubts
2) Fears
3) Hopes
To your source of belief and prayers. Defining those aspects from a soul level, and asking/praying
for assistance in what you desire to bring into your life, or change in life. Always our choice on how
deeply we choose to express those desires, also with the intent of what is casted to be turned over
and released from our mortal being, to a higher power to finish or complete.
Acknowledging that the cast has been done, given to assistance and the faith in receiving. Your level
of intent and energy in what is being cast will be reflected in the return. Being accountable to self, in
the casting. As always the power of the focus of your intent sets the energy in casting.
Casting not being biblical or pagan, but a process that is done by all, whether consciously or
unconsciously in our lives. Being known as prayer. An interactive process done in trust. Whether
conceived as being light or dark, is the channel of our mortal self, rather than of our spiritual self.
Free will displayed and being reciprocated. Believing in what you have chosen to cast, has been
communicated and having the faith in receiving what you have chosen to cast.
You might pinch yourself, check yourself, and then shake your head, or maybe not! But you are naked. Where is this coming from? Physical life is being naked in front of this universe. Everything you do, say, or think might be hidden beyond you, is already known and naked beyond the physical. No hiding it!
You hear over and over again, that everything is energy. That is true, energy that is constantly being recreated by thought, action or desire. But what many do not equate with “everything is energy” is that you really are a spiritual body first, taking a physical existence through your own perception. Everybody in their life has heard or seen apparitions of energy, whether orbs, manifested energies, and such, with a belief they are without form. Exactly how what is termed the other side; sees you! From the other side looking in, you are the shifting energy form, un-solidified; you are spirit, the essence of the experience or adventure that you have chosen. Unmasked and naked to the universal energy.
Why would this even be a thought that would be necessary to examine? If you could really see yourself as transformable energy, rather than a solid mass, this world would know far less disease. Through understanding, that all energy can and is transformed via thought or perception. Instead of disease or injury thought of being physical first and spiritual second, healing would be as it is, or could be, immediate. But yet the illusion that we are solid mass first physically, rather than transformable energy,
healing is seen as being physical first, and spiritual last. And the attachment to the physical need for healing, many times outweighs what is possible. With healing or transforming the spiritual energy, being seen as alternative assistance.
I believe in healing energy, heart and soul. Why? Because at times in my life, I have had to use that process of transformation on myself. In July of 2008, I dropped a fifty-pound Bunkie board from a bed on my foot, straight across right below all the toes. Instantly watched the foot go dark, and knew that there were broken bones in the foot. Experienced the usual numbness that went to incredible pain later. At this time without health insurance, I really felt two choices. Either live with it, or heal it. I focused the energy on the foot, felt the bones shifting back into place, and within a few minutes, walked on the foot normally again, and no longer experienced any pain. Within a couple of days, all the discoloration was gone also.
The same process I use all the time, when working with energy, and knowing that all energy is transformable, if that is the true desire of the recipient. Am I different that anyone else in the way that I work with energy, I don’t believe so. Just carry and unwavering knowing that all is possible, free to be naked before this universe and accepting of rewrapping the physical garment, as chosen in receiving. For this to become that way of humanity, humanity will stand naked in their energy, not after you leave this life, but now. Knowing that all you desire is truly transformable energy, to recreate and manifest as you choose. Focus is the power of intent, in all creating. If you hold that focus with an intent that cannot be doubted, your power is within you, never outside of who you are.
Your path, your beliefs are as unique to you, as the blueprint of your DNA, all are right, none are wrong, just part of the design that you created for a physical experience. How you decide to align and be a part of which you are is the dream maker in action. All beyond this physical world is your cheering section, waiting for what you choose to create to be known, and allowing and accepting yourself to receive. What do you choose to receive today? Dream the impossible dream, knowing that there are no impossibilities. Wrap your naked physical garment with your choices, as you stand naked to yourself.
All paths lead to the “mountain top”
All paths lead to the “mountain top” although it is ultimately an individual journey. At times, we find one to walk with, and other times walk alone, but still walk on a soul journey. My belief is that there is one God and one truth that are integrated through the many teachings that have been brought to this world during creation. Knowledge and understanding of God and the truth is forever evolving also. Both are like the Lotus that just unfolds, intricately and beautifully but never ceases to be less than the point it started from.
What might seem as the most foreign to our physical being, also through the teachings of that culture that is read of, we find parts of ourselves there also. Our soul knows no boundaries of time and space, and we have walked among many people, many forms of knowledge. What is gained is not to be segregated to a specific teaching.
I thank all for asking the questions, that brought the response of being integral and open to many teachings, and taking from those teachings what is needed on the journey. To myself, all is one has many levels of meaning, but also means to accept and acknowledge all parts of myself. To strive to become whole as a soul again and embrace all aspects of who I am, shadow or light and bring that back together again. Not just the physical part of myself in this dimension, but the aspects of myself across all dimensions since the beginning of creation.
When listening to the guidance that I have, I am told I have the ambience of the child with spirit. I love to play, being serious with spirit is something that I have to make a conscious effort of doing, but playing is what brings the most joy. I am thankful for that. We all have that freedom of choice. Is being a child of spirit a need to grow, or a knowing that growth returns you to the child again. To love openly and freely without finding a need to be the student or the master. To be free and unconditional in the choice. Just to love the experience, to love life, to love knowing that choices of the heart are all that is needed. To find your passion and let it be who you are. The universe will follow in providing the desire. Am I at the mountain top, or will I be when I return to spirit, that I do not know, but the journey is to be enjoyed with the only labor being that of love.
“Bearing False Witness”
In as much of all the desires of a creator source that has been given to this world, to myself this is the
most pronounced that speaks to who we are of this earth or universe. When the thoughts of bearing
false witness become applied to ourselves rather than outside of ourselves, the core of which we are in
entirety becomes our own act of self-observance.
The life we are living is a quantum mechanic of a much larger soul process going on simultaneously
through our entire soul structure constantly at the same zero time moment of creation. We are but a
small-interconnected thought of the process, directly linked to a like process of the source of creation.
Are we God itself, not in the entirety of the all presence, or are we the whole of our own soul, but a
moving evolutionary process intertwined with the whole.
All we do also has a cause and effect overall, as all that is being done through the process of our soul
evolution has in this life thought as well. How we acknowledge the truth of who we are and have
chosen to be, is our witness in creation. To deny who we are in light or shadows is false witness. To
choose to obscure or hide who we are is false witness to self/God/source in the creative flow of our
soul being. To change or conform whom we are to mold with what we encounter, is false witness.
Any less than being the conscious truth of who we are, is false witness. To allow the integration of who
we are in truth is witness to the source of our evolution on all levels of being. One of the easiest
commitments of desires to be achieved, but one that in this world seems to be the hardest to allow or
accept or ourselves. To connect, commit, to be as we are in truth.
Beliefs create behaviors and behaviors confirm beliefs
Seems like wherever you go these days, listen to the media, or what form your mind takes you on a search for, you will find people that tell of how incredible they feel inside, how much they have accomplished, and how the spiritual essence in this world is coming alive. Which is all incredibly awesometo hear, and I do believe that this world is headed for greatness beyond what is seen as the problems and tragedies that are told of daily.
What is seen more of are the I statements directed back towards the person that is talking, then the appreciation that is sent out to others on a daily basis. Telling people, they are appreciated. It is easy to sit on the internet and become through key strokes all that you choose to be. I know people that seem to have two identities. One in cyber and one in their physical life. You could say that this is exactly how it should be. That their beliefs about themselves create their behaviors and confirm their beliefs. But many times, they are also confirming two selves that are separate.
Just maybe if these young people that are creating the suicide pacts heard more often how much they were appreciated in their physical world, possibly they would not be gathering in cyber confirming that they do not feel appreciated in this world. That they do not feel their worth in living. Letting those you know and love, know that they are appreciated, and following with the confirmation that they are loved. On some level, everyone has known in life rather large or small that there is love in this world. But not everyone receives the confirmation and validation that they are appreciated just as they are.
That they are living, breathing beautiful people, that do make a contribution by being in this world and appreciated for doing so. You could walk up to a stranger and tell them that they are loved regardless of who they are or their circumstances in life. But watch the glow come over a person when they are told they are appreciated for being just who they are, and that they are loved. The first statement ignites something inside the heart and soul that becomes open to accepting the second statement. Appreciate all you meet as you go through your daily life, and the people that you meet even in the most obscure of places, let them open up inside to feel the love that they are. And just maybe when that person
makes a life choice it will be for living, knowing that they are appreciated and loved.
Bottle of Time
Channeling from Higher Guidance
August 18, 2005
Bottle of Time
What if; a bottle of time could be seen as being destiny? So is the urge and need of so many to find their destiny within a certain amount of time. If time was to be bottled such as so many elements that those here find to sustain themselves in on way or another, than such maybe just a bottle of time would be seen as attainable to complete and finish, and the token for doing so would be to find destiny at completion.
But yet time has been bottled in the form of being non-existent, and yet do they choose to drink what has been given? Time can be chosen to flow incessantly for eons, always being viewed as the future that will be found/will be complete/destiny will be found at “just the right time”. In doing so destiny is passed by every day, which they choose to run ahead of what has been already given.
Birds of a feather flock together, taking time to stop on a tree, wire, or timeline, exchanging glances and looking for direction to lead to a new destination. And in each moment, destiny is once again not seen as being available. The creatures of the skies, seas, earth all are aware of their destiny, completion of cycle at the moment of their creation. Total acceptance for each moment as being fulfillment in their cycle. But yet man, given the same opportunity and resources, treats destiny as elusive. Refusing to accept that destiny is a choice, not a moment or time to be searched for. Destiny can be chosen, and re-chosen at will. Each moment is a new opportunity for destiny to be found and perfected.
Not one choice or option, but a renewed choice in each moment. To find destiny, find the creativity of choosing. Now, an hour from now, tomorrow, every moment in between. Just choose. Choose your desire, choose your passion, choose what you find to be fulfilling. Hold the choice in thought, whetherfor a moment, or a lifetime, but choose destiny to be with you NOW in what you desire to create now.
Destiny is not waiting to be attained or caught with in the cycle, it is available now, but many times it is the last choice made. Choose now child, choose all you desire, create the destiny of choice.
Casting is a word that brings up many different feelings in people. Largely due to beliefs that we
have either accepted in life, or lack of understanding in the world itself, not to mention
understanding casting in relation to spirit. I know it did in me, but this has been what I have
centered in my own teaching lately.
For those of biblical thoughts, casting might still be one of the most understood/misunderstood
processes. Casting is the turning over to spirit/God or your choice of source belief. Whether the
turning over is done in prayer, in using a earth tool such as stones or cards, casting still remains a
process of turning over for assistance.
For myself, I had to get beyond an ingrain belief I had in what assistance might come from casting
from my own background, and develop a new understanding of casting.
Of the process of casting turning over your:
1) Doubts
2) Fears
3) Hopes
To your source of belief and prayers. Defining those aspects from a soul level, and asking/praying
for assistance in what you desire to bring into your life, or change in life. Always our choice on how
deeply we choose to express those desires, also with the intent of what is casted to be turned over
and released from our mortal being, to a higher power to finish or complete.
Acknowledging that the cast has been done, given to assistance and the faith in receiving. Your level
of intent and energy in what is being cast will be reflected in the return. Being accountable to self, in
the casting. As always the power of the focus of your intent sets the energy in casting.
Casting not being biblical or pagan, but a process that is done by all, whether consciously or
unconsciously in our lives. Being known as prayer. An interactive process done in trust. Whether
conceived as being light or dark, is the channel of our mortal self, rather than of our spiritual self.
Free will displayed and being reciprocated. Believing in what you have chosen to cast, has been
communicated and having the faith in receiving what you have chosen to cast.