Grandiose Experiment

Grandiose Experiment
The grandiose experiment, in definition slumbering of the soul. Refining into perpetual balance. To do so unattached from that which has became a selective program of slumber.
You chose a program of slumber to best benefit being able to exist of the dream state. Ongoing glimpses allow you to touch the real self, but do not totally distract you from the choice of leaving the slumber.
To leave the slumber dos not have to be a choice to leave the program of choice. But to jolt from the slumber would not benefit the choices you have made. You are neither here nor there, as you have not departed.
Many believe that to leave the slumber, is too return to an all-knowing God state of being. When you awake in the morning, did you not do so in a continuation of your yesterday? Rather than waking to be of many levels beyond yesterday. A continuation of an experience being knowledgeable of the steps of life that you have experienced.
Such as it is beyond your physical world, physical self. Growing through the levels of experience just as you grow through the days of your physical life. As you know, there isn't a here/there. Only a consciousness at slumbered levels. Without division. Your playground of the soul. The soul reenergizes continually within the playing field of the consciousness.
When you travel from one location to another, you do not lose sight of the beginning or destination, just a freedom of knowing all space in between is free to travel. But yet in the physical world, traveling through the playing field of consciousness seems to be readily identified as having boundaries or limitations. Such limitations are seen as mortal images or ideals, without existence beyond the physical mind.
Illusions that have been termed as a veil, which carries no existence. The veil as this might be called, is a physical protective state, of continuing to slumber.
Birth/Death neither are awakened, for they do not exist. You have never been born or died. At no point did you become a state of non-existence, so would there be a need to be birthed, when you have not ceased to exist?
This is consciousness at many levels; this is what many refer to as God/Goddess. A level of consciousness that is strived to be realized. God/Goddess is the grandiose object of divinity. Every life you have ever chosen has not ceased to exist. All choices continually/perpetually aligned in one evolution. To see a part of a past life is only to see a glimpse of ongoing life choice existing and assisting your present choice that is perceived as a lifetime.
You only have one lifetime, creation, and soul journey. Whether conscious or unconsciously, you are continually aligning in all choices/lifetimes in unison with each other. Choices made what might seem like 10,000 years ago, too any one reflection in this choice/lifetime, non-ceasing to exist.
Think about what we have discussed, carry the words within your consciousness. Listen to your soul speak, and allow words to become knowledge. Knowledge in the acceptance of the experiences of your choices.
Be the grandiose of your divinity, minus forms of separation. In doing so your God/Goddess will awaken you from your slumber, gracefully allowing the playing field of your creation to be one knowledge, one experience.


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