Teamwork of the Large and Small of Your Existence
Teamwork of the Large and Small of Your Existence
Kanye West on an appearance with Oprah at one time discussed with her being in New York and spotting her limo, proceeding to tell her he would be on her show someday – Oprah responded with a comment, which indicated not just everybody, is on her show. At the time, Kanye was not "large" enough for her attention. Oprah is a dynamo; she completes what seems to be the impossible without hesitation, if she chooses so.
You might be saying "So what?" Absolutely every person is both Kanye and Oprah. On some level, you have a focus on large dreams and desires, yet also hindsight through events in your life, which now seem complete and another day passed as Oprah might see events in relation to the world, in comparison to an observer seeing those events in relation to only Oprah. As Kanye, focusing on another to be their point of validation, possibly really ignoring the self-appreciation of the steps and goals accomplished when all focus is thought to be outside of who they are.
Appreciating the focus of WHO you are as being the guarantor of your dream desires, could possibly allow you to see YOU are the Oprah of your spirit. The Oprah acknowledges the work you have done, self-saying thank you for the work, you are now rewarded. Teaming the work energy, with the energy of acknowledgement and fulfillment in your life. One is not illusive to the other or self-sustaining through the process of rising from within too create your dreams
Holding the big and little together as partners in a mortal existence. We are large and we are small making the whole from within. At times, the small is going to falter while the true larger part of whom you are does not turn away, only waits for you to move forward again. Today Mercury leaves retrograde and a period in self-reflection. Gather your thoughts in retrograde and apply your reflection in aligning to your highest dreams and desires. Always give full attention to moments as they cross your mind and path, not in idleness but in knowledge given and being awake to the opportunities as they are presented. Run with your thoughts regardless of how small they may seem, as they are only a reflection in the mirror from your larger acknowledgement already done – and waiting!