World on the edge
World on the edge
At this time, it seems we are living in a world that is on the edge, this may seem like a strange phrase to some and a question of "the edge of what?" A society ignited from within, and unsure how to use of disperse the sudden jolts of energy that are felt building through their energy bodies.
For people that are in tune with the energy body, the ability to diffuse or redirect the channels becomes commonplace. Many others, unsure of the increased progression of energy choose random acts that are sometimes without provocation in their lives. Tension within families has risen to all time highs and acts of violence towards their own family members have been acted out frequently over the last couple of years. Causes being seen or related to as environmental, unemployment, war, etc. The energy body of the mortal being continues to increase in volumes taking these factors as a mortal cause for the change in a spiritual body. Without understanding, many find no choice but releasing an explosion of physical acts, once they might never have considered.
Fifteen years ago, on the way home from work my head filled with a collection of phrases which were written down, many times over the years rereading the text during points of life, the meaning changed with an increased understanding, and even today the words hold another meaning.
Explosion of the Unseen
Life would be so easy, if in an ultimate triumph, the explosion could be defined.
Not so easily as you would define a natural or physical bodied explosion, but an explosion of what the world does not reveal to you.
That which is embodied of spirit, feeling, aspirations, and all in the known world which adrenalines you. Giving you that unseen substance, which really governs your eternity.
The ingredients which combine in creating your internal being, is derived from infancy, childhood, joy, sorrows, literature, and environment..
And if at some point the energies that make you an alignment of high energy on intersecting paths, which results in the ultimate explosion.
How now do you explain the aftermath?
Relief, Rebuilding, Remorse, or Reenactment for the next explosion?
In our world society at this time, these words even speak louder. Over the course of years, having learned how to use and understand energy, the potency of our spiritual energy at times can be so much greater than the physical body can begin to rationalize. The explosions are here and present in each of us. Understanding the physical aspects in relation to the spiritual energy for many still is a running game in catching those who choose too diffuse in acts of the explosion in methods of regret afterwards trying to understand almost an unconscious act. We are all spiritual beings in a physical existence attempting to bridge an energy influx, which is only growing in our consciousness.
How do you explain the aftermath? What choices are you making?