Walking Spirits

Walking Spirits

Last night I met a friend of mine at Starbucks, and it did not take long before we encountered what I call a walking spirit. Your intuition tells you exactly what has approached regardless of how physical they appear. This one, in the form of an elderly man with a beret on his head, and walking very strong. The patio was empty except for the three of us; he walked from one end to the other keeping an eye on us. They commonly engage with conversation which seems very left field yet relative to the moment.

He talked about the patio improvements since the last time he was there, the patio has not changed in over a decade yet he was not open to telling why if he was from their area, he was not aware of the huge shopping center which had grown up around the Starbucks. He also talked about not having tobacco for his corncob pipe, even though he did not have a pipe. Told my friend to come sit by the light of the window for her reading, although no books were present at the time, although she is an avid reader. You start formulating his knowledge and lack of obvious knowledge in bringing to together the night has just begun to have a larger purpose. Walking spirits do not avail themselves to a discussion which ties a timeline to their actions. If you're listening to the hints given, you start to bring together the ties in your life to what is being said. They talk with knowledge of you; largely a mortal of this world would not, with a clearing of the space where interruptions for that time do not happen.

To myself more times than not, they take the form of the elderly, or a form which is who they are and can not be mistaken, depending on purpose. An elderly man in a restaurant one night caught my attention, although he walked in with a walker and very slowly, watching him at one point he stood up and walked to the counter with the spring of a teenager and sat back down, was that an oops or just letting me know he wasn't as he appeared? I kept my eyes on him, knowing he would have to pass by once again to exit. He disappeared, yet never exited the restaurant. Thirty miles later that night, he was next to me in a convenience store. Never saying a word, but letting me know he was watching. Spirit taking a seemingly human form for just awhile as they cross out paths. I learned long ago, not to mention them to people around me at the time for validation; assumption of being crazy becomes the first response.

For what I have seen and experienced, I try to treat anyone I see, as I would treat spirit if they crossed your path today. They walk in many forms. Not as in movie zombies or flashing energies bouncing around with Carney tricks to display, the true energies to assist at any given time appear to the peace of your acceptance. Seeing the elderly man last night I knew was just the opening for the evening to come. Before the night was over, my mom, dad, aunt and another with a message for an uncle would enter the space with a common message of being open with out separation in life or to particle my own life, but to be life. Our lives become compartments of living, our jobs, passions, people all are put into categories related to the intent we use to focus in life. What we love to do become easy while we still judge how this part of our life balances in living. People in our life become grouped according to the intention, attention and focus they are given, rather than just enjoying and accepting time spent. We see money as a physical attribute in life rather than a spiritual response to our life. WE tend to frost the cake of our life, and what is most judged to be rational or available receives the least decorated in who we are.

I spend a lot of time using healing energy, but very much cloaked in how I do this. Rationalizing how I can accept payment for a gift of assistance has always eluded me. Without myself becoming the judge of the thoughts of others. I today, hand that over to spirit – repayment comes in many forms beyond my mortal imagination. My brother asked me the other night what I called what I do, and I said "I did not have a name attached, but I would ask". The response I was given was Blessing. A healing blessing, rather than trying to attach to a name in this world. That I can accept and work with. I do feel blessed that energies within this world and beyond this world are in unison, and so may I be.

Blessings to you!


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