United we Stand, Divided We Fall
United we Stand, Divided We Fall
Reading a commentary yesterday by a Wall Street analyst, fueled by the fire of banking executives being denied their bonuses, with a feeling that if you take away the bonuses of not only them but those on Wall Street, you are creating a loss of incentive for economic improvement in our country during a recession, or any other time as far as she was concerned.
Being rebutted by strong republican and democratic supporters, each blaming the other in how the crisis in this country has been created, with Wall Street, republicans and democrats all unified yet dissected as a whole. Our country on many levels of administration is strongly divided without consideration of unification as a people for improvement. The analyst herself, only months ago after our presidents inauguration, clearly feeling that all programs suggested should be shelved, yet now crying "what about the promises you made to us!" Continual denial and acceptance according to personal want and gain, and a continual secular division of energy being contained and controlled rather than unified for the people as a whole, or our country and world
Unemployment statistics are improving, as 7000 people a day fall off the radar of the metrics being gathered. 7000 people a day with families largely that are not sure of where the future will take them to eat or sleep, but no longer statistics. 7000 people a day, which still hold a future vote being forgotten. I read this week, where masses are gathering in their cars outside of Wi Fi hotspots, with laptops to access jobs and the news, yet in Washington extended unemployment is seen as enabling people and making it harder for them to transition back to the workplace. "We the People" who are the majority in this country are displaced workers, with elected officials in Washington, disconnected by the true reality of their experience, speaking for them disconnected. And the separation continues to grow in division.
Energy created from this time of recession continues to grow at a rapid rate, being expended on all levels of all individuals throughout not only our country, but across the world. This same energy affects the ground and air across this world. Energy constantly being released through deeds, actions and thoughts unaware by many, into our Earth and Sky at pressure cooker levels, and affecting every person and space of walking and breathing in this world at this time.
I would find it interesting to know the pressure changes of our Earth and Air since the recession unleashed into full awareness. Land, sea and sky changes are the least to be mentioned and quite possibly the markers of change which need to be seen. Animal behavior is also affected, though unaware to the economic events of humans, the resources of their survival and instinct have also been affected. "We the people" of Earth need to come together and find a respectable understanding of each other, nobody was born Democrat or Republican, rich or poor, or without a right to be sustained in this world. At the moment of birth, a moment of transition was created, chi unleashed into this world without thoughts of separation. The environment given for existence is a creation of the Elders or leaders of this world in which separation does exist.
Our future leaders are yet to have a vote; they only find themselves being allowed to live within the chaos of a world out of control and un-unified in their best interest. A future president of the US, future leader of Russia or a third world country could have been born while you were reading this blog. Their environment and how they see an adult world will change the face of this planet. Political parties, ecology and unification will be learnt from those than have been entrusted to teach them. Teach our children peace is not segregated, love is not divided, and a world can be as one with a harmony to exist with respect. Teach them your highest desires, so they can form a planet of peace. Show them love is not a bonus in life, but a given from the heart without a price in accepting. Mend Earth's broken divided heart, so they may only know understanding without division of race, color, creed or path being walked. Unite them so they can stand without division or fear of falling. Being of this world, this Earth is a gift you have given to your children.
It is not about who is stronger than them, who is richer than them or who is a better party or path than they are. They are all within one. Teach them strength, power and respect in internal rather than displacing their finest attributes as an attachment outside of who they are. Keep them aware and open to who they are and where they came from with purpose, if this can be done – United they will stand, divided they will not fall.