“God had a solution before you ever had the problem”

"God had a solution before you ever had the problem"

When I write the blog, I write through my own experience, rather than readings applied to thought. At times, simple statements do take hold, that are heard and for myself I search for self-validation of the statements. I see mortal existence as review of your spiritual existence, with everything already done and just our opportunities, to maybe make changes in our thought process. With those changes, other probabilities manifested according to the way our thoughts and desires change.

Our denser side, or shadow side largely is the ego pulling you back into your mortal reality of saying this is not so. Many paths of belief teach to pray, wish, etc. for what you desire and to focus on bringing that desire into your life. I know longer do this, rather I thank for the desired outcome before it is seen, and state when this has been manifested in my own life. Choosing to live more in the mirror of everything being done, rather than a need to be done. Focusing on the desired outcome or completeness of the desire. Worrying as a rule in hindsight becomes a mirror of energy wasted in trying to project into the future, what is already available.

And living this process without limitations of where or how this has manifested. Placing even limitations that might be seen as beyond your reach, in some form still limits the possibilities of how your desire can be received. Turning it over to the universe and source of your beliefs as a finished projection rather than just leaving it as unseen or completed in your thoughts. If you want to take a trip, see the destination and yourself in motion already taking the trip. In healing, see the body as healed rather than needing to be healed. Drive the new car of your choice visually. See it done, before you had the problem – the solution was already provided.


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