Running the Race

Running the Race

Growing up in a very small town of 100 homes, and only six main streets was my world when I was young, with my mode of travel being either on foot, or the back of my horse. At times, I was on foot chasing down a stubborn horse so I learned to pick up the pace when running when I was very young.

At that time, one elementary school provided education for all children from Kindergarten through sixth grade. The school yard was bordered on two sides by open fields. Spring would always bring gym class going outside to run races. One spring day through a frustrated gym teacher, I learned something about life which has remained since that time. The class would run races in groups of three at a time. I had already ran three, won three, and each time I would look at the teacher while walking back his eyes just seemed angry. I couldn't figure it out, what did he want! I had ran three, won three only to be met with disgust again. So, I just sat down and waited to see what would happen next.

On the next race he said "do you think when you see the finish line you could actually go beyond the winning line before you decide to slow down?" It was true, when I knew I had the race won, I would just mosey on through to the finish line instead of keeping up the pace. Feeling I had already completed what he wanted, so why bother where the finish line was. Life is about exceeding a line of finishing or accomplishing a task you take on, and going the extra lengths that will take you in a new direction. I thrive on challenge, always have, without the challenge I become bored and move into a new direction. I have learned the new direction now can be consistent with a previous finish line, just increasing and expanding on the previous challenge, now my challenges are self challenges rather than expectations of others providing challenges in life. Expanding and increasing the goals step by step with an ultimate desire being many challenges becoming life goals brought together. Never ceasing rather building one on top of another to where the ultimate desire only increases without limitations.

My life, your life, the lives of all are a progressive walk of life, never ceasing to exist only evolving in the complexities of the challenges we present to ourselves. We are beings far beyond the limited knowledge we possess in mortal form. Born in form to use a small percentage of our capacity of knowledge to thrive and exist. With many neural pathways, being unlit roads yet to have the lights turned on in traveling. We come into the world knowing nothing of limitation, only desire to eat, move, learning one skill upon another for the first few years of life. Equally, being prodded to do so by the parents of caregivers during those years of development to go further and do more. Until the time comes, when expectations enter into life, being shown as boundaries or goals to be met with much less emphasis on exceeding limitations.

Education systems tending to mold us into levels of expectations, parents setting rules or limits not to be exceeded, and thought on many levels now being interpreted according to beliefs of others that we looked to for guidance and understanding. Expansion becomes what is allowable to how we have been molded to perceive life. Inside that fire still burns from a space of when life was about expanding each moment into a new skill or thought that became validated in life. Human being working in conjunction with their spiritual being, knowing limitations did not exist, taking the extra steps and empowering yourself to be who you knew you could be. Freedom of the spirit, un-capsulated in a mortal existence called life or living. Evolving spiritually is taking you to a return of this space or life. Coming to yourself as the child, with the freedom of the child to explore, chase after what has un-mounted you in life, taking up that foot chase of freedom to choose where/when/why and how you choose to cross the finish lines or challenges in life. A free energy which can recognize the outer influence showing you frustration or disgust, yet possibly leaving some confusion as to why?

Spirit is about fun, having fun and being fun – somewhere along the way through historical belief, being reverent become solemn and without the play and heart of the child. Our higher guidance will stop us in our tracks at times if needed such as the gym teacher, letting us know we are stopping our self short of an optimal finish, but always allowing the free will to take on the challenge or race differently, or just rest short of our goals. Our choice, our race, and our challenges either being met, fell short of, or redirected in choice creating our fate and our destiny one race at a time.




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