“It’s funny, when we no longer "want to" we get to”

"It's funny, when we no longer "want to" we get to"


This one seemingly very simple line is what our life is about, and what/why/how we chose to become part of this world. But then becomes forgotten. Our soul truly knows our deepest desires.  We can call that God/Goddess, any form or belief structure that we choose to identify with on a spiritual level. All races, cultures, religious orders, spiritual paths that we choose to give title too. Truth of the soul takes on many faces as one.


Titles become divisions in humanity. A Christian prayer, a Muslim prayer, a Pagan ritual, being Hindu and feeling a connection to Buddha and many more. But in truth, each is our speaking to our soul. Can the soul of creation truly find offense in how it is spoken too? Does the color of the skin, or the culture, age, belief that is chosen change the connection or conversation?


In doing so "wants" are being displayed and expressed in alignment with the limitations that are chosen to express the very part that is without limitations. Universal language is the tones of all speaking to their soul. How those tones are expressed, how they vibrate become the levels that are interpreted at an energy level that is found to be either negative or positive. Judgment is a mid-tone, a tone that can constantly be either raised or lowered, in the understanding that is chosen in acknowledging the judgment.


But yet, as each of us strives to find the highest knowledge and spiritual connection to our soul, our choice of judging another according to their path, or being seems to take on a higher value in the process, while still being the highest form of the path of belief of choice. As the Christian becomes more attuned to the teachings of the Bible, the Muslim to Allah, the Hindu to Buddha, reaching into a higher range of energy, doubts are found and cast on another. If Spirituality could be an Earth program that could be understood, it might just be a 10-point program. 10 levels of energy.


 1 –3 being the most misunderstood of internal anger being displayed, but not without a soul connection still to the truth of being. Personal pain very much felt. Possibly remorse not being felt. But a knowing that all acts, have a mirror side in consequence. I personally hold no belief in a "hell" beyond the one that we choose to create for ourselves, or a judgmental energy waiting to hold us into a space of displeasure that has been created in life. Only a choice made in life to create the illusion after what is known as physical life. Choosing to exist shadowed by an unwillingness to accept or allow love to be a part of their creation.


4 –7 could be considered the mid-range. Possibly the most active steps. During steps 4 – 7, a being chooses to be part of a process that is no longer shadowed, but also understanding that the shadows of creation are also the teachers to embrace. Society finds their paths and beliefs to walk through those very shadows, through their choice of the religion or spiritual path, finding knowledge that constantly changes, grows, and expands their soul connection. As they do, for each shadow they also acknowledge the light and dark working in unison to create the shadow and illuminate the light. Finding equality in shadow and light. Constantly choosing, listening, expanding the understanding of a soul connection.


8 –10 transcending any needs or wants of this world to emulate other than the truth of who they are. To remember, without limitations, divisions do not exist. That their soul connection is no longer Christian, Pagan, Muslim, being without lines of human separation and division. To no longer need or want and attachment in the physical world to acknowledge the soul connection or voice. Now accepting and embracing all being possible, without lack, judgment, material gain, or physical approval for the choices being made.


Being responsive to the energy that is chosen in a soul connection. In doing so – we are understanding "It's funny, when we no longer "want to" we get to".







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