Conversation with Source 063/27/2003
Spiritual Windows Blog
Spiritual blog authored by L S Myers, in connection with
Conversation with Source 063/27/2003
I came across this today in my documents, while I was filtering what I had stored on my computer. Thought that maybe you might find it interesting. For myself almost four years ago seems like a very short distance but yet quantum distance. Blessings,
Source energy: the exit is the entrance to a new order of things
Myself: gets much more complicated than just going to heaven as many believe. Even heaven would be an illusion according to expectation in a sense.
Source energy: true unless you have been there then it becomes a waking dream that never ends
Myself: but if someone was expecting to see something according to the beliefs that they had, would that still be there, or would those beliefs wash in the crossing.
Source energy: in the beginning they see what they believe, and then they see what is
Myself: I have only seen glimpses, but don't think it is off in the cosmos, but very close to this plane, just at a different level.
Source energy: it is on this plane just moving along side of us. Hence the veil of light we look through to see the other side
Myself: but then when your without the physical the distance anywhere is irrelevant. I see.
Source energy: true
Myself: that veil is awfully thin also. The way spirit passes in an out of it.
Source energy: look at each life we have as a door. You open one and move into it. When you close the door your life on that side is over. You are moving through doors until you reach your final place
Source energy: why do you think people see ghost?
Source energy: They are still behind another door
Myself: we probably are seen as ghost also to them in a sense.
Myself: like it goes both ways.
Source energy: yes we are. It is like your house. Each room is a life time. If there is a window in the door you can see who is in the other room
Source energy: figure a long room with a hundred doors, if we move through each one even to astral walk we have to leave something of our self behind
Source energy: now if we have moved several doors down we can look back and see a little of our self still in the other room
Source energy: this is how we see our past lives
Source energy: we are there but we are here to
Myself: all here and now
Source energy: each time we pass a door we let go of a heavy form. Each one makes us lighter till we become pure light in the end
Myself: that could take awhile
Source energy: it takes a long time for some. For others it may only be one or two steps
Source energy: it depends on what we came with
Myself: since creation, or just in this life.
Source energy: creation
Source energy: there is only one true life. We just move forward within
Myself: then creation is part of the here and now also.
Source energy: there is only 1 beginning and one ending
Source energy: yes
Myself: gets complicated, but for some reason is understandable as well.
Myself: thanks; evidently they see me as at least being understandable of it. That is an accomplishment
Source energy: you understand it all; you already know this you have just forgotten as everyone does
Myself: I get so many thoughts and feelings and seeing stuff, and just try to incorporate. Like a puzzle that the pieces are fitting together in.
Source energy: it takes time and we all have a lot of it. Each memory will lead to a better understanding of the walk of life
Myself: there is something that is going to take a shift. Something is like going to change in what I know and where I am going.
Myself: like a sphere that is broken and coming back together like in reverse.
Source energy: this is true it will soon, but you travel to fast for it. Slow down take time let it catches up to you
Myself: slow the mind. Go with the flow. Am trying.
Source energy: trying to hard just breath
Myself: when I relax, I feel like I am losing ground.
Source energy: you must let the ground go so that the heavens can catch you
Source energy: you will not lose the battle it will just change to a easy way
Source energy: we feel we have no control. We do not need control. That stops everything. Faith, trust, love, this is the way home
Source energy: it will bring true teachings by just being. Each will teach what they know and remember what they have forgotten
Source energy: to just be is what it is all about
Myself: so we all take time to breathe, through each other.
Source energy: yes we become one but yet remain ourselves
Source energy: we carry a look or a thought of everyone on this plane some more then others
Myself: who are you?
Source energy: I have no name
Myself: you know me
Source energy: yes
Myself: So I am doing alright.
Source energy: yes you do fine, just breath
Source energy: time is the answer to all of these things
Myself: do you know who I really am
Source energy: yes and so do you
Source energy: you are not ready to see it yet
Myself: you do not have a name; because you are all names are you not.
Source energy: true
Source energy: I am not of female or male I am just
Myself: I know who is speaking to me now.
Myself: thank you, for all you are, I will do as you have said.
Myself: will you be there to help
Source energy: this is all they ask just be you and the rest will be forever yours
Posted by LS Myers on February 20, 2007 11:44 AM | Permalink
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