The web we weave
The web we weave
On a site today frequented, a conversation rambled through the day in response to a contributor's writing in defense of a person in the news lately, and the discord associated with this person. Who, what, where or why is not as important as the energy collectively that began to build from his commentary.
What emerged was a segregation of thinking of members of the site, as too whom they felt were allowable attributes in their life concerning intellect, status, political nature, etc. Even coming down to somewhat of a race issue, but the new segregation being exposed went far beyond segregation, as it has been known in the past.
We all set our own parameters in life of who we gravitate to, and to what level. With the age of cyber, those levels seemingly are also related to a level of how informative associations are in our life. If life is not complex enough, there is always a new way to weave the web into either fine-silk or walls that cannot be penetrated.
Since the age of 12, an influence I held was that you pick your friends, your friends do not pick you. First from an educator at a new school, my mother thought this was a wonderful lesson in life. Would the views of my mother now be changed with the onset of Face book, Twitter, Digg and many more that are now in existence? When friends are seen as connections, and levels to friendship are like rungs on a ladder of achievement. The weaving grows only more complex.
Yet, at the same time, this world becomes more spiritually open and striving for oneness in this building complexity, we call life. Some days it would be easier just to throw up your hands and call isolation peace. We are all one energy, with many different forms of how energy moves, making us the waves of synchronicity at the same time. When our parameters become walls that isolate us one from another before allowing the synchronicity to manifest, distinct possibilities of our lives can be lost before realized. Living in segregation is not the answer, living consciously allows us to realize those moments where another who we thought might not contribute to our life plan will make an indelible entry or exit moving us forward.
This person if halted at the onset of entering our life is stopped by our wall of defense rather than allowed to be the silk or fabric of our life, value has also been lost in who we are. Discernment is key, followed by observation of another rather than disregard or respect of the contribution another could present in our life. We are spirit first in a physical experience. Spirit approaches and enters our lives from observation rather than discrimination and segregation. Tuning into your knowing, rather than your foregoing, will bring changes into your life and acceptance into your values. Weave your silk carefully with room for the fabric of your life to breath in the chi available to your spirit in a mortal world.