Inner Validation

Inner Validation

Something I have learned is when we leave our dreams and success in life to be validated by others, the continuance of the dream is contingent on the continual validation from outside of who we are. When we validate our self from within, we than control the dream and longevity of the success in the choice of how we dream. A harder road than instant gratification, yet worth the patience in continual gratification of whom we have either chosen to be or path we have walked.

My own inner validation becoming an outer validation in the process of staying focused in who I am, regardless of opinions in this world and allowing and accepting assistance in an alignment, rather than molding in the views of others. Products, services or how you choose to be present in this world, if built solely on the prospects and need from outside of yourself, you remain a hallow core – fulfilled from receiving to fill a space within. If the product or service and how you are present in this world is born from an inner core already filled and ready to give or express, the energy exchange is complete and constantly replenished.

Authors, inventors, businessman, servers of this world in many forms relying on an external product or seeing a part of themselves as being from outside of who they are, become replenished only to the extent of the energy being received into a space which will balloon in the process as long as the validation exist, then the space becomes empty until a renewal in their life or new product, service is created to once again be received.

The chalice of your design is meant to be filled and flowing, rather than empty being filled. This can only happen from that soul spark which allows the filling and overflowing to be created. Your creation of dreams and desires manifested and allowed to be received as already full and complete. Built, rather than needing to be built or created from the world of your existence. You are spirit in a physical existence of illusion. Your illusion will recreate many times during life, with or without your design. Your dreams will be brought to you in the design or others, or created from within. Are you creating or being created? The success of your vision will be returned in the design allowed and accepted. As we grow closer to Thanksgiving this year, allow yourself to be the "thanks in giving". Be thankful for what you are giving and allowing yourself to receive in return.


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