What is Bravery?

What is Bravery?

Bravery is a term always used in reference to a past event or situation in life, defined according to risk factors and self performance when a decision is made in the moment directly influencing your actions that are being taken. A past tense description of connecting an act with the emotions, outcome and perception of either you or others, as an act of bravery occurring.

Yet, what are happening in a split moment of decision are life choices. Physically your adrenaline is pumping to the point of fear not-existing, acting in response of survival either for yourself or another who might be present. All thoughts of time/space or the next moments of life are stopped; only one moment exists in this space. Strength, determination, rapid thought processes all become one to resolve the presence of what is at hand right then, right now.

Everyone at sometime in life has found themselves in this time bent space of acknowledgment and motion to survive. Even a slow motion effect can occupy this space, indicative of the non-presence of forethought which defines future time. I read one time; five exits are provided in life where choices for surviving or expiring from a physical existence are present, if that holds truth, I am now on cat lives. What is learned from such moments is to live without fear of destiny or fate, and understand each is of our choosing repeatedly in life. All future time is yet to be created in our physical life, a complete unknown only holding a perception and reliance of existing, creating new moments, hours, days, years of life. All space where we are the creator of the unknown, or making choices to allow life to unfold according to our actions or the actions of others. Bravery is creating the outcome you choose, with the strength to also determine the outcome.

Bravery can be seen in acts not only of physical survival to prevent harm, but all aspects of life. Brave enough to change direction in faith you are a true creator of your outcome, taking forward steps which are without a direct plan or destination, only a passion to accomplish. Bravery can be overcoming fear of connecting to another or communicating in fear of the relation this might have on your own physical well being, whether emotional or physical. Bravery is standing in the uncharted areas of life, with quick resolve to move forward without fear. Fearful and bravery rarely co-exist in life, fear will precipitate and hinder actions that are later found to be brave, stagnating the space and allowing what will unfold to unfold outside of your desire otherwise.

Life in hind-site can be seen as fearful or brave in choices that are made. Standing for who you are can be brave, or allowing yourself to stand in fear in what may not be acceptable. Bravery becomes relative to betterment or who you are. Bringing the three fold of your being into one existence of the walk of life you are creating. Mind/Body/Spirit taking one focus and one walk into the unknown mentally, physically and spiritually. When all is one in a space of time which is seen to be brave, in which a moment exist in memory. When all three are applied to life, all moments are one. When all three are applied to others, as you would apply them to yourself – you are fulfilling a life promise to your higher existence in a physical world.




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