Expand from within – you are the source
Expand from within – you are the source
Receiving another email this morning connected to one of many spiritual teachers in this world at this time, who has proclaimed themselves masters of a path, with the same theme to disregard thoughts and beliefs and follow. Expansion of the consciousness is just that, not a deflation, or remolding of your beliefs. Not, a sign to disregard and rebuild your thought process from adhering strictly to the words of another as your own beliefs, only expand upon everything you ever believed or been taught. In remolding, you are finding a fault in how you choose to believe. The universe is only waiting for you to build upon your core of thought in expansion and acceptance of who you are, rather than whom you are to follow through life.
When you complete your experience of life and rejoin your higher self fully, let it be with the intention of self-expansion. To end your life complete in following another, will all lessons be learned. Expansion is the application of life and experience through you, rather than beyond you. What passes through you in a lifetime are unlimited sources of thought processing? Life is thought processed from what seem too many as being in a cocoon of energy. The energy expands from what you choose to internalize as yours and extend beyond who you are. Ballooning into many more fields of energy and becoming one energy from individual sources of mortal origination, such is mortality. When the energies of one or millions begin to source together, the oneness of energy is created.
Limiting beliefs to one source or limitation controls the expansion of the energy, rather than bringing you into the particles of all sources of belief without separation. Can this be done by a choice to ignore all else for one path outside of yourself? As you expand, all paths of belief will find significance in your life and understanding, without one teaching, or book/books to carry all knowledge. There is not a prophet, clergy, spiritual teacher, or master outside of yourself in this world who holds all the answers of the DNA print or your soul. You are the blueprint/creator/designer of your life lessons and teachings available. Be selfish enough to yourself too always fly higher, seeking without rejection imposed, learning without limitations and being without restrictions, there you will find the master within.