
Showing posts from April, 2016

Ramblings on Scientology, paths, beliefs and live experiences

With all the continual hype about Scientology, I decided to read about Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard definitely traveled and spent his life researching his thoughts of Spirituality and was very well received across this world in many different facets of life and government. Hubbard s personal quest for understanding left him with a thrive to present his thought forms in written text to be left in this world. I can understand his thinking and desire had in this perspective. Heavily drawn to the research of the mind and how the mind interacts with the spiritual force of the universe. He drew on Freud, eastern cultures and even Christianity at points of time to gather the legacy of his JOURNEY! This is where I would draw lines with Hubbard. His journey of self teaching and research was a personal quest to fulfill his life thought processing and conclusions to his thought processing in many ways are not different to the world today. When he decided to make his life journey the journey...

Movie Reccomendationi - Raising Izzy

A movie which will make you laugh, cry and cheer before it is over. Well worth the watch.

From infancy to seniors, toys stimuate the imaginattion and memories

 Originally written as a post on my business site, I thought I would share it here as well When a child is young, toys are given to expand imagination, nurture needs, and support communication with another and the inner voice of desire taking form. Passions in life are enhanced by the choice of toys a child desires to fulfill a passion already innately within itself from infancy. In this time possibly more than all others, the toys chosen are building blocks in structuring a formation of growth. In times went by, toys were more limited, simple and nurtured and emotional body rather than a physical need to expand imagination with knowledge of what the future might hold. Yet, as a child grows and becomes an adult the toys become either more limited or more materialistic in form to provide a sense of accomplishment in the gain. Much truth can be found in the phrase “a boy needs his toys” whereas with a girl; toys are replaced with nurturing through bearing and raisin...

Cicadas and Manitou, tales of the lake

One evening sitting at a local lake under a huge old tree, cicadas were singing throughout the park as dusk began to blanket the park. At the time we engaged in a conversation relating to spirit and possibilities which exist. My friend was being negative in relation to what I found as possible. Knowing nothing I said would make a difference in the moment, I called for assistance to create an event which without a doubt would stay with my friend.. A few moments later, all singing of the cicadas merged into one solid tone gaining strength and a tone which seemed to rise into the sky at the same time. One tone,many voices into one. Amazing and confirming at the same time, while I silently gave thanks for answering a request. Some time later at the same lake I had taken my son for an afternoon picnic. We chose to sit down by the lake on a blanket and had brought chicken from a drive-thru for lunch. Engaging in a conversation related to spiritual beings, we turned to the subject...

Burst of three tears

Written in the past, yet still relevant Burst of three tears Today our world is watching not only the aftermath in Japan, but also the influence of the tsunami flow across half of the planets waters. Usually, when weather related I could see surrounding land or identifying pieces geographically. Today, I could not. What I did see was a balloon to help explain.    Nearly everyone sometime in life has held an inflated balloon. Placing one hand on the bottom and one on the top with equal force, a balloon will give way to the pressure and pop to release the air. Today the balloon seen released the air with three tears; in understanding, the bottom hand symbolized the pressure beneath the earth, with the top hand symbolizing the pressure from the atmosphere to above the earth resulting in three tears from the earth level of pressure.    A compressed release resulting in tears in the surface with only one tear giving the sense of being offshore of a land...

Sometimes you just need to say AH, breathe and know all is well


Call when you get home,I will still be here rambling

Operating a private palliative/hospice care business can be both extremely exhausting and rewarding, true test of finding patience/love/observer role in caring for another. With the follow through being also an ending and beginning to the spiritual self of not only the client but all those who have taken part in the process. I have heard many comments such as “glad somebody can do it, I never could”.I could take tools I have available to enter business/peoples lives in this world and give some declaration of who departed. I just chose another route of expression and use. I could write a blog on just the tags I received in life from those who made the crossing. At times knowing the moment of transition from a presence, a shout out, instant visions and so forth. With the same thread, others just acknowledging all is well. From client to spirit, assisting with a transition of peace rather than fear. Would I trade the path, not at all although some days it seems like I am a deflated...

More snake medicine

Friday, I drove my grandson to visit his university for the Fall.On the way back we stopped at a favorite old town of mine and had lunch and instead of driving directly back to the interstate I thought I would just take a back route I knew unto another interstate to drive home on. All is well until a round a bend on the two-lane highway, finding a black snake stretched completely across the two lanes and still had a large loop in the road. No time to stop, you guessed it - just a thud under the tires and I would presume a dead snake left in the road. I followed the prompts in my head right to killing a snake who I would guess was quite old. Really felt terrible the snake probably outlived many things in it's life until my car. Snake medicine is good medicine, that I do know symbolizing change in a big way and a time to stop and listen with respect of transformation in life. Some have nice butterflies who come into their lives, for myself it is the snake. The day before I...

Understanding Eden

Understanding Eden Excerpt from Adventures of Moniko: Evolution of the Soul Through the Spirit of the Child ~ Chapter: The Tiger and the Toad “We journeyed to a place in the Earth world much like our home in the Sun,” the Toad began to explain. “We found those with both anger and wonderment of our companionship. We took an adventure, a journey to a time where knowledge, understanding and joy became absent in the thoughts of Earth. We had chosen to visit a beautiful garden in the Earth world. As you are companions Lord and Lady in our home, we found two beings on the Earth world to be our companions. Though they were not similar in form to you, my Lord and Lady, the energy they held was similar to what we held in memory of you,” said the Toad. “When we arrived in the Earth world garden, there was a peace like our home in the Sun. As our kingdom here finds acceptance of all, so did those of the kingdom in the Earth world,” the Tiger stated. “The beauty of the garden was immense. All o...

Spiritual Solar system

We are aware of what is known as the physical solar system. How would this knowledge compare to the spiritual solar system? May 2007 The solar system you presently know as an alignment of planets, populated by constellations, stars, extended universes combined with mixtures of densities creating atmospheric waves being seen as your perception of the universe, differs greatly from a major wave of intertwining imaging that lies beyond your physical world. As your astronomers or even yourself can see through your vision is a constantly shifting of waves. As these waves shift, as you could equate as your watch the atmospheric shift with cloud formations on a much greater level similar breaks in the “cloud” energy in your universe is continually opening access points beyond known perception. Matter thinning to allow matter to flow in a different formation or wave. As this happens your known physical universe constantly is expanding. Contracting and releasing, changing ...

When did you start questioning this world,spirituality and why?

When did you start questioning this world,spirituality and why? I am the youngest in this picture and the age I discovered a mark at the bottom of my wrist. At the same time I seen a clear image of a pair of scissors sticking out of my hand on the mark. I questioned my mother, with her responding I had not been stabbed and it was just a birthmark I was born with. Her response did not make sense to me, since I had seen differently and yet, I had no memory in this life of being stabbed either.Started wondering in a young mind how this could have happened. Church never resonated with me, being outside, horses and speaking to the sky did. And so started a life long quest to have questions answered. The mark is still the same size now, though when very young the mark was quite a bit broader across the space of a child's hand. #Spiritual Questioning, #Birthmark, #Spirituality

Hold My Hand

Hold My Hand Hold my hand and I will be with thee, Hold my hand and you shall see, The wonderment that only truth can hold, The blessings from above to all below. Be calm, be still, and be with thee to me, Be love, be hope Be of your sanctity. Come not in confusion, leave not in dismay. Life, Love, and harmony are within this day. Be true, be fulfilled, be abounding good will. Life is but the illusion Life is but a drill. Say thou not empty, Say thou not feared Say thou not alone, Say thou not here. Bless me with your touch; See me with your heart. Be as one in friendship, be as one, be of not. Come hither, come slowly, come in grace and in cheer. Come to thy place within, where love is dear. Do not abandon, Do not dismay, Be of the being, Be of the way. Take my hand, and so shall be, Only truth will lighten the path of belief. Hold my hand and I will be with thee, Hold my hand and you shall see, The wonderment that only truth can hold, The blessings from above to all below. Be calm...

Calling you to me

  Calling you to me To the one that has gone To the one I feel despair This day I hold your thoughts so clear I hold the link between you and me I hold the energy to once again be free Free to be you and me Joined again as is chosen to be I send you my thoughts, as you stand by me, energized by the power of three Distance is not, only the illusions seen Bringing you back as I call to thee Hear my call, hear my whisper and be Once again you stand next to me My call is of all distance, my call to thee To once again be close to me The whisper of hope and love to thee Return my call; once again stand next to me For we are not divided, or without hope need be We stand together now, without space from you to me Hush the voice, hush the cry for me Only see you, only see me Once again without distance may be Once again I stand with you next to me copywrite@lsmyers  

When Thought Never Ceases to Exist

When Thought Never Ceases to Exist Spending time one afternoon in the hospital room of a neighbor who earlier in the week had been removed by ambulance unresponsive from her home, I found again a person who I thought was in need of healing telling me of her own process of healing life. After having spent evening turning into daylight as she felt her life ebbing away unable to move or dial for help the hours were only filled with thoughts in life as her mind had been the only physical of herself which was active.    News stories occasionally tell of those found in their homes, which have left this world and for myself this was a first in life to touch upon thoughts during those hours which had not been told before. She had asked for deliverance, not in leaving this world but for protective and watching guidance to remain until found. She remembers her porch light being turned on which would have been a sign t...

The Wagon

The Wagon Remembering back to my preschool years, with four siblings of school age - I spent a lot of time during the days, alone with my own imagination and thoughts. Many times those hours were spent in my own backyard, looking up into the sky. Watching cloud formations pass by and seeing all the animals or faces I could pick out in images as they flowed by.    On one such day, staring into the blueness of the sky I questioned God “I did not have to die to come here, so going back I should not have to die either!” Always on some form of a quest in trying to achieve my connection and validating the truth in my own young mind.    I decided I would go look for a way to find my way back, deciding when the next morning came I would be on my way. Thinking carefully how this might be done, I would need transportation. At such a young age, my transportation would be me and my wagon. During the rest of the day, I made the decisions of what would be needed i...


Scout I grew up always galloping to something new, and my partner for a time in my life on this quest was Scout, a paint gelding who soared with me through some incredible adventures as a child. Scout came into my life the summer of being nine years old. Previously I had a red mare named Gypsy, who was too large and overwhelming for me at the time. Dad sold Gypsy, and took me to the pony farm along with my sister who was two years older to find a pony. A Shetland caught my eye, and Scout caught my sister’s eyes. Seeing Scout at the pony farm that day did not feel like a match made in heaven between us. Though Scout is who came into my life that day.    Scouts' attributes were stubborn, had a bite which would come out of the least expected circumstances and conditions, he would rear up and become a chaotic charmer at times and in the early times of our cohesion would pick a destination and refuse to be altered by somebody wanted to challenge or go the other way. Yep...

Observing the Participant

Observing the Participant Every conscious moment of your life you are observing, whether awake or asleep .In every observation you become a participant. You are involved from a point of thought and given a choice in how you participate whether through action, thought, response, or reaction. For many years the thoughts have been to exclude yourself from elements in life which adversely affected your thoughts and in doing so you chose not to be a participant or observer in life of that which might displease you or bring you a thought you chose not to be a participant of. In doing so, you also excluded life or allowing participation. Finding a choice harder, to realize of being an observer and participant in life.    Absolutely everything in the course of your life which affects your senses brings you into participating, even the choice of exclusion in doing so. By excluding your thought processes are fo...

Answering 7 questions which were sent to me by a reader

Answering 7 questions which were sent to me by a reader If you have a question, send it to me and I will do my best to respond What Is Aim / Target / Objective of Your life? The Aim/Target/Objective of my life is to be a part of my own spiritual blueprint. As DNA is unique, so is your blueprint and purpose of your world. You lie within rather than outside of who you are. Your truer being resides in the elimination of time/space or a linear world in observance of all time/space whether known or yet to be known. If you could spin the spiritual universe as a globe before incarnation and pick of point in all linear time which would provide the answer via experience and so it would be. From this perspective of your awareness you chose everything about yourself to experience in your own quest for understanding. Your gender/race/geographical location/choice of path and your destined answer, of choosing this experience of life, being b...

Spiritual Scribe newletters from the past

It's Never Easy To Say Goodbye - a song with special meaning

When my mother left this world suddenly in January 2004, this song for a tine became a mantra to her of sorts in the following weeks. I already had and loved this album completely, though this song in itself became a companion to heal the grief as well. Standing in the cemetery on a bitter cold Northern Iowa winter, my hands were numb from the cold. Having not taken a dress coat to Iowa, I borrowed a coat from my Mother;s closet that morning. I am not one who relishes borrowing or wearing clothes which carried the energy of someone who passes. Energy is energy whether the owner is in this world or another and wraps me with the energy of that person. Not comfortable to put it mildly. Because of the weather, I had no choice and the coat was nice for any formal or dress occasion. Climbing back into the car after the services I drove to a T crossing in the road before proceeding on the interstate and put this recording in for listening. Shortly afterwords my family and me were hea...

Tale from the grocery line of a song in the heart

Tonight a little girl in the grocery line I would imagine about eight, was singing to herself as she waited. Beautiful voice just quietly singing and I told her how beautiful her voice was. She said thank you, and then told me her sister wanted to bet her 5.00 not to sing for a whole day. She rejected the bet telling me she could not imagine a day without a song to sing. Bless this generation of little ones who have come to teach us all that passion is worth far more than money in this world and knowing who you are is a given rather than a dream. You hear about and see the children each day expressing themselves in various forms professionally, yet humble and matter of face in assurance of who they are. Rather than seeking in life to find themselves, they are well aware of who each is and loving the gifts they hold in grace and purity. A generation which is just the beginning of countless generations enhancing each along the way like early pioneers of a return and yet the oldest...

Keys, keys - where are they and what is the meaning?

Today again was a day in my life where keys played the dominant part in the flow. Physical keys have long become messenger interaction in life, and observing not only the keys but also what I took away from the events. Started the day at a client’s home and stepped outside with her on the deck to feed birds when I heard her not only shut the patio door, but also the click of the lock. I reached back and sure enough, the door was locked. Phone, car keys, all objects of easy resolution behind a locked door and out of reach with the two of us separated in a cold wind. My client has dementia, which calls for patience, not showing a deviation from routine and yet a very real problem was before me. Even putting her in my car while I figured out a solution would not have been a long-term solution and more disturbing to her. The home has nine exit doors and each was secured like Fort Knox, as I tried the doors I remembered a family member once saying a key was hidden outside the home....