Ramblings on Scientology, paths, beliefs and live experiences

With all the continual hype about Scientology, I decided to read about Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard definitely traveled and spent his life researching his thoughts of Spirituality and was very well received across this world in many different facets of life and government. Hubbard s personal quest for understanding left him with a thrive to present his thought forms in written text to be left in this world. I can understand his thinking and desire had in this perspective. Heavily drawn to the research of the mind and how the mind interacts with the spiritual force of the universe. He drew on Freud, eastern cultures and even Christianity at points of time to gather the legacy of his JOURNEY! This is where I would draw lines with Hubbard. His journey of self teaching and research was a personal quest to fulfill his life thought processing and conclusions to his thought processing in many ways are not different to the world today. When he decided to make his life journey the journey...