Observing the Participant

Observing the Participant

Every conscious moment of your life you are observing, whether awake or asleep .In every observation you become a participant. You are involved from a point of thought and given a choice in how you participate whether through action, thought, response, or reaction. For many years the thoughts have been to exclude yourself from elements in life which adversely affected your thoughts and in doing so you chose not to be a participant or observer in life of that which might displease you or bring you a thought you chose not to be a participant of. In doing so, you also excluded life or allowing participation. Finding a choice harder, to realize of being an observer and participant in life. 
Absolutely everything in the course of your life which affects your senses brings you into participating, even the choice of exclusion in doing so. By excluding your thought processes are focused on that which you chose not to be a part of, yet now your intent is greater in ignoring than participation though still participating unaware rather than aware. Not too long ago, I was talking to a co-worker whose daughter has been engaged with the awareness and active participant of cancer most of her adult life in various forms. She told of a message her doctor told over twenty years ago of the probability of putting ten doctors in a room and then letting them know the topic of discussion was cancer, her doctor said it was highly likely 9 out 10 of the doctors would remove themselves from the room when the subject was mentioned if they did not have a direct reason for being there professionally, personally their response would still be to walk away from the discussion. Choosing not to participate in thought or presence in the subject matter although their choice professionally in life was to be a healer as observance, response and reaction from a root level of choosing not to be a participant in leaving the room the thought process intensified in unresolved questions of personal action still leaving participants in absence. 
I watched and observed as a neighbor’s house was scrubbed, cleaned and removed of unwanted personal affects by family members while she is in a rehab facility to regain her strength to return home. What had been inside of her house and thought to be no longer of use now displayed outside of her house with a neighborhood wondering why they had chose the objects of her life they did for disposal. The same is true in the process of observation and thought processing, we bring outside of our selves in one form or another selectively what we choose to no longer remain within through how we choose to respond and react to what is being disposed of from the interiors of our thoughts. Then choosing either to assist another through action or deed or to hold thoughts for the betterment in their struggles in life with the thoughts for assistance whether prompting physical action or a conscious effort to change the energy to higher levels we have taken action as the observer. We have participated in the conjecture of being of one mind with the ability to either improve or resist life. 
Fear is born of what is unknown and worrying about what we choose to elude ourselves of being ignorant too. Peace is born of being aware of the known without worry of the fear of participating in thought processes which have already became a part of our senses. An old saying that we are part of the problem or the resolution is our truth and choice but we do participate in all thought processes. You are already the observer. We are three, conscious, unconscious and super-conscious beings without separation in part of each but the whole of each. Mortality grounds you in the first two and your greater essence guides you with the latter of the three, all equal and active in sustaining who you are. Observe and participate as the whole bringing forward as 3-2-1 instead of 1-2-3. 


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