Spiritual Solar system
We are aware of what is known as the physical solar system. How would this
knowledge compare to the spiritual solar system?
May 2007knowledge compare to the spiritual solar system?
The solar system you presently know as an alignment of planets,
populated by constellations, stars, extended universes combined
with mixtures of densities creating atmospheric waves being seen
as your perception of the universe, differs greatly from a major
wave of intertwining imaging that lies beyond your physical world.
As your astronomers or even yourself can see through your vision
is a constantly shifting of waves. As these waves shift, as you could
equate as your watch the atmospheric shift with cloud formations
on a much greater level similar breaks in the “cloud” energy in
your universe is continually opening access points beyond known
perception. Matter thinning to allow matter to flow in a different
formation or wave. As this happens your known physical universe
constantly is expanding. Contracting and releasing, changing the
matter by yet encompassed/continuous in form.
In what is thought to be unseen/unrealized, also thoughts of
division between the seen physical and the unseen ethereal. One is
not beyond the other, but yet exist within one another. As the
process of the expansion of your physical continually evolves, as
does the ethereal.
The energy that surrounds matter, flows between, shifts the
evolution of the physical universe is the ethereal universes. IN all
forms the matter/anti-matter. IN the physical universe matter is the
seen perception that creates your stars, planets, and galaxies.
So as it is in the ethereal universe of the “unseen” – anti-matter
being the matter less densified, yet very much in form, with
constant recreation in a less densified form.
Many stars, worlds, galaxies complete in unison, but yet opposite
in form being, and creation.
The ethereal universe contains all matter complete in form. Do not
think of the here/there understanding of the physical. For every
physical image, motion, perception – also the unseen/ethereal
mirror exist.
Mirror images surround matter as energy often seen, but not
expanded upon. Bounded by the limitations of physical
understanding or being noticed for nothing less than being unable
to have a relative point to allow or accept.