Keys, keys - where are they and what is the meaning?
again was a day in my life where keys played the dominant part in the
flow. Physical keys have long become messenger interaction in life,
and observing not only the keys but also what I took away from the
events. Started the day at a client’s home and stepped outside with
her on the deck to feed birds when I heard her not only shut the
patio door, but also the click of the lock. I reached back and sure
enough, the door was locked. Phone, car keys, all objects of easy
resolution behind a locked door and out of reach with the two of us
separated in a cold wind.
client has dementia, which calls for patience, not showing a
deviation from routine and yet a very real problem was before me.
Even putting her in my car while I figured out a solution would not
have been a long-term solution and more disturbing to her. The home
has nine exit doors and each was secured like Fort Knox, as I tried
the doors I remembered a family member once saying a key was hidden
outside the home. Searching for the hiding spot, as I moved one of
her many lawn sculptures the key fell from the hand of the statue and
opened the door again. Client was secured again in her home, unshaken
outside of being chilly.
stop, taking the keys from the client to check the mailbox, I ended
up leaving quickly with his keys still in my possession. In returning
home, taped below my key entry, a letter reminding of my lease
expiring in 30 days in which right now seems like a very fast year
has passed. In the first case, a reminder of my own separation from
the keys aspects of my life I have put on hold or did not find the
time this year to pursue, followed by a year of following the key
points and suggestions of others, rather than my own at times.
Finally, the key to my home space reminding me the space I have
allocated in life during this last year, holds a decision on staying
or going which are choices to be made. Possibly I choose to be the
observer of my life, rather than an emotional participant, this in
itself needs to be balanced in allowing the emotion as well as the
observer role. When you pay attention to your life sync, what could
have been frustration are symbolic answers being presented.
have never doubted the messages keys represent in my life. Once on a
vacation to the mountains with a friend, keys to the cabin were set
on the table next to the door long enough for the door to be
unlatched. Split second act and the keys were gone when I turned to
pick them up. Taken from view, we could have become frustrated and
yet it was seen as a sign all was well with the cabin and spirit was
there. Went about the day, came back with crystals we accumulated
during the day and spread the crystals out on the table. In that,
moment I could read the crystal formations and use, information I
consciously did not know but gushed out in a volume of knowledge. At
this time, I am again blank on exactly what it was at the time,
though the crystal knowledge given then put spirit in harmony for
quite an unusual evening. When the crystals were moved from the
table, in the middle of the table the keys once again appeared.
another time, I sat my keys on my bed, turned around to pick them
back up and found them gone. Which led to another article on this
blog titled Don’t Call Me BOB! The movement of keys is always a
signal for heads up, we are here, and a listen will be learned.
Spirit can move objects from our sight, without really moving them at
all, in just rearranging the energy we perceive to be the object.
When a change is present with keys, keys to my experience are about
to change as well. Keys represent doors either being opened or
locked. Choices in relation to the representation are made available
as well, which could be a temporary task on my part or a long-term
task in opening a new door of experience. Keys are key in the
symbolism of the message and events, which follow.
one point, it was late in the evening and I went out to my dark
parking space and dropped my keys and glasses on the gravel. I felt
around and recovered both, though my glasses had lost a lens in the
process. I put the broken pair in my purse, drove 40 miles to my
destination. After arriving, I was still thinking about the broken
glasses and pulled the frames out of m purse, only to find the
glasses in perfect condition again with BOTH lens intact. The focus
was not so much that I had dropped and broke the glasses but nothing
is, as it truly seems. This was validated in my change of
circumstances at the time, which was yet to come.
returning home today, I called my daughter who had texted while on
the interstate. My son-n-law after being in a minor accident a month
ago could now be facing a critical situation in his life. Time for me
to step back, observe, and readjust my priorities to being more
aligned with who I am, rather than leading a dual life I have with a
solid door between my business and personal life. Keeping the door
open, allowing the flow to be one as I am without limitations and
hanging on to the keys of others which belong to doors which are not
always mine to choose whether they are open or locked. I am very conscious of objects which suddenly disappears/reappears
significantly and possibly this object has been discounted or doubted
as coincidence.
Yet, what is a coincidence than your life syncing
back into place. This could be a member of the animal kingdom such as
a totem animal, an object simple as a key, or for me as well the
feathers that appear in my life. All messages from a messenger. As
the observer, each will catch your attention, not always appearing
with instructions, as spirit delivers experience as the
lesson/teacher and how we become open to the presentation is our
choice. If you choose the experience, the guidance in many forms will
be there to direct the way.
have you been presented with in physical form as a key to unlock a
door and re initiate the journey? We are given pauses and then nudged
to get up and go back to work again. If you truly choose the journey,
the work never stops and the rewards never cease. Always be the
student and the teacher, for a master chooses to teach in reflection
rather than progression. A master can pause indefinitely and how
boring that would be. I thrive on challenge, with new challenge the
walk continues. Find your key in whatsoever form it is given, allow
the new door to open and leave the door unlocked for the next.