Burst of three tears

Written in the past, yet still relevant
Burst of three tears

Today our world is watching not only the aftermath in Japan, but also the influence of the tsunami flow across half of the planets waters. Usually, when weather related I could see surrounding land or identifying pieces geographically. Today, I could not. What I did see was a balloon to help explain. 
Nearly everyone sometime in life has held an inflated balloon. Placing one hand on the bottom and one on the top with equal force, a balloon will give way to the pressure and pop to release the air. Today the balloon seen released the air with three tears; in understanding, the bottom hand symbolized the pressure beneath the earth, with the top hand symbolizing the pressure from the atmosphere to above the earth resulting in three tears from the earth level of pressure. 
A compressed release resulting in tears in the surface with only one tear giving the sense of being offshore of a land mass creating breathing in, and out from the core of the earth. As it breathed out and tore the sea floor, water rose. As it inhaled again, the drain started creating an opposite effect, bringing a whirlpool effect in the sea. 
Two other tears are yet to be identified. The earth has been shifting and resettling rapidly in the last decade. Above and below finding new balance and composition. I do not believe this is end times, yet beginning times. Late yesterday evening, I was told a great hovering was in place with the spiritual world, close and ready. This morning I have seen the news, much as the rest of the world. I tend to be more alert to the changes of weather opposed to the changes of humanity itself. The energy of the population of this world does directly effect the energy changes within nature, constantly trying to find balance and harmony. If one is out of alignment, the other tries to compensate the flow created, shifting and recalculating what is needed to maintain. 
We have a choice as a whole of population to assist harmony or create distracting forces. Seeing the earth as needing healing and alignment creates a parallel effect between the man/woman and nature. For the earth to heal its ways, man/woman needs to heal the ways of man/woman. Everything is energy; everything is interacting consciously or unconsciously without hesitation in the process. Earth will change its course to compensate the energy of the population. Let us heal this world and realign together consciously in better choices being made to heal.


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