
Showing posts from May, 2013

Six degrees ~ Here and Beyond

Six degrees ~ Here and Beyond 08/22/2007 About a week ago, I was prompted to return to a list that I had left months ago. I felt at the time I really was not contributing to the list, and many days felt more frustration with it then was needed. However, I agreed to return and follow the prompts. Looking at the blog conversation, I could not see anything that was standout to draw the return. Therefore, I started looking further, to an area where members left post for each other. I found a post there from a man requesting energy assistance for the next day when a laying of hands had been arranged in his home. Requesting any remote energy workers or sending an invitation to anyone in the area that would like to join them. I have worked as a remote healer, working with end stage cancer patients and others that the doctors had dashed any hopes for. At these points when the doctors are done, I accept the challenge to be there for the person. My belief heart and soul is that we...

Can you help me locate these people, they could only be six degrees away

Relying on the theory of six degrees, which I have seen the evidence of - can the readers of this blog assist in helping me find two people I have lost track of in my life? 1) David Lay - Born in about 1960, to Jerry and Shirley Lay. Siblings I remember are Gayle, Robbie and Shandra. Robbie died a number of years ago at an early age. Gayle and Shandra I do not have any clues to their whereabouts as well. Last time I seen David, he was four years old. 2) I only have a first name of "Charlie", WWII veteran who had ties to Waterloo, Iowa during that time. He later returned to the east coast where he made his home. From what I do know about him, he did marry and his wife at least in later years, preferred not to leave the house. I know finding information on any of these people is a long shot at best, though knowing how six degrees works in our lives through this universe, I am hopeful as well. :-) If you have any information on any of these people, please write me with an...

Remembering the Veterans in my life

Remembering the Veterans in my life Today is a time to remember the veterans in my life. My Dad, served in the Army WWII (Egypt-airman), Father-n-law served in the Navy (Navy-WWII South Pacific, Uncles-Army and Airforce, Korea, Brother served in the  Navy-Vietnam, Cousins who served in Vietnam, a friend Tracy who served in every conflict from Desert Storm to Iraq before retiring, Justin who served in Afghanistan and Iraq along with others either direct family, extended family or friends who served to keep this country free. I honor all veterans here and abroad, who have chosen to do their part with the hopes each of us do our part in return in appreciating a land of the free. And may we never take the sacrifice for granted.

Frequencies and magnetics of thought processing

Frequencies and magnetics of thought processing Frequencies and magnetics of thought processing in some areas of thought have been expressed as transparency. Concentrating just in the period since 2010, we have seen an excellaration in the progression in the opening and evolution of frequencies aligned by thought and through thought, then displayed in acts of man, nature and our animal populations of this world. The picture above is only for demonstration purposes to create a visual of the process. In a very minute form, imagine this. Each line in this frequency could display a thought generated by one and connected to another. As the thought process in a transparent form, unsheathed by doubt and more so enhanced by belief, the connection builds energy. Multiply this form which could be thought of as being as small as a "mustard seed" to the population of our known Earth, still keeping this simple in form. As the thought process of millions, rather than a ...

Bible babe and her Chinchillas

This bible babe, still sleeps with all of her bibles,though during the day her favorite playmates are pet chinchillas! They take piggy back rides on her, play inside and outside - seeking her out as if they were a normal domestic pet. The chinchillas know her, love her and respond to her, rarely seeing the inside of a cage if Jena is in the house!

"I wish I had a crystal ball! (Psst.. you already do!)

"I wish I had a crystal ball! (Psst.. you already do!) Photo enhanced to convey incoming energy (aka - crystal ball) How many times have you heard the statement "I wish I had a crystal ball!" The count truthfully with most would be more times than could be remembered. The times when seeing forward, could bring peace to the present, the answer; if you just knew it or the message or information to assist you? Absolutely everyone, posesses a "crystal ball" of such - formed with the energy of three elements; hope, faith and trust. Innerwoven and distinct to the individual keeper of the ball. What are the three elements used in choosing to recieve information from outside of yourself? Possibly: Hope, Faith and Trust? Hmmm... universal elements available to all, freely and with no cost. Quite a deal the universe has given, all encapsulated in the existence of mortality. Yet, for reasons of feeling uncapeable, taboos of how life has been programmed ...

I'm "done!" could be your new magic word

Quite a few years ago, one night leaving my house I dropped my eyeglasses to the ground in the dark and when I picked them up, a lens was missing. I dropped the glasses into the side of my purse with the intent of looking in daylight hours for the missing lens, though at the time I was on my way to the house of a friend, and for the time being chosen to let go of pursuing finding what I had been lost. When I arrived at my destination, I looked at the glasses and found to my amazement, both lenses in place on the frames, knowing distinctly I had not placed them in my purse as being such. Thursday night of this week, the glasses I have now became loose on the frame with the glass falling out unless the frames were tightened again. For an hour, with the tiny screwdriver for tightening the frame again I became frustrated and laid the glasses, lenses, and screwdriver in a pile on my desk, completely frustrated and done with trying to repair them. Friday morning, the glasses were st...

The power in healing energy

   Thursday night, May 2nd - I reached between a chair and bookshelf to retrieve a cat, when I brought my hand up - I had two shards of wood which looked like small stakes standing upright on my hand between the right set of knuckles. When they were pulled out, blood shot from the vein being nicked. Today, the hand looks like this. Another validation as to why I believe in the power of energy in healing.

NO-thing is as it seems

NO-thing is as it seems This is another photo I took in a empty room, if this room was photographed as many would see the room, boring would be the greatest impression. A distinct doorway stands open between what is seen and unseen. Sitting in the doorway of the unseen is a wise one. The cylinders I have never been quite sure of, with the exception of grounding the energy present at the time. Doubt is all in the perception of those who choose not to see. Is this unfamiliar in general to the way what is unseen surrounds the seen? No, we live in a universe which is encased within another called by many different names. By the way, the actual doorway on this wall sits on the left side of the spiritual door. :-) 

Epiphanies of our lives

Epiphany From Greek epi to + phaino appear You could very well be wondering, why this picture would be included in the post? I took this picture in a empty room. Many times when grasping the understanding of spirit, we tend to believe only in existence or non-existence. Yet, there are also grey areas not so easily grasped or accepted in understanding the portals and vortexes which are woven around and through our own known physical existence. Times, many through photographs images are explained away as being of a spiritual essence rather than taking a "time" lapse view of what does not cease to exist. Many will say there is "no time or space" yet deny all moments still exist in some form of energy. This picture is dark and untouched, yet along  the left side of the photo extending back from a hand which looks more like a white-pink light, a participant of this moment is present. Epiphany, to say or hear this word – would the meaning be the same, or ...

Thoughts on the inner road

Since I was very young, the adversity I personally felt in being pulled to believe outside of myself in the following of a spiritual path, has created a personal resistance to becoming aligned to an outside source of religious belief - rather than an inner source of faith. Each spiritual leader in our country seems to gain attainment and being validation, in the persuasion of creating a following either lightly or in doctrine to a belief of their journey as being the way to finding the peace within. The core, of which I am, sees each as being a unique creation of their own design without limitations or faults in personal choices of belief with all leading to the mountaintop and all ultimately finding that path through personal introspection and reflection in being non-judgmental of another path of belief. Through this course of belief, I have learned of the paths of others in depth from the being of who they are rather than from reading of what they believe and the understanding of t...


30+ years ago, a series of movies related to a social experiment came into being. Test subjects were fed information on all levels of development, which was new to them and allowed in ingest and feed on knowledge. To what degree could the subjects evolve if given the chance to an open flow of higher information? Would it change who they were or their perception of the world around them? Would the feed of information and knowledge change the level of interaction between the scientists and their subjects? Only time would tell. Rather than just learning new information, the subjects studied the habits and dysfunction of who was doing the testing, learning, and altering the psyche to match the testers, the worst possible outcome was not a fear, since the testers held the intellect on a greater level than the subjects did. Subjects not only learned from information, they also learned to watch the eyes for messages as they grew stronger intellect. In addition, so was the cycle of the Planet ...