
30+ years ago, a series of movies related to a social experiment came into being. Test subjects were fed information on all levels of development, which was new to them and allowed in ingest and feed on knowledge. To what degree could the subjects evolve if given the chance to an open flow of higher information? Would it change who they were or their perception of the world around them? Would the feed of information and knowledge change the level of interaction between the scientists and their subjects? Only time would tell. Rather than just learning new information, the subjects studied the habits and dysfunction of who was doing the testing, learning, and altering the psyche to match the testers, the worst possible outcome was not a fear, since the testers held the intellect on a greater level than the subjects did. Subjects not only learned from information, they also learned to watch the eyes for messages as they grew stronger intellect. In addition, so was the cycle of the Planet of the Apes. The rise and fall in a social experiment, through the minds of the entertainment world on a futuristic Earth forever changed by humankind.

Advance to the NOW and the new social experiment; will millions of willing subjects devouring the opportunity to play for the testers, though now; it could be referred to as the Planet of the Sightless. How?

Since the beginning of time, the eyes were looked upon in releasing messages from an internal space which shown through all other actions. Looking through the eyes we received messages to either befriend or take flight, the eyes could not lie. With the information highway, Face book, Twitter and many others, the eyes are now a sightless resource for messages. No longer a matter of turning away or avoiding eye contact when speaking, we are now sightless and without sight our primal side and values can be expressed without emotion or being affected by those who are hurt or uplifted in our world, to many sight is a non-issue and unwelcome as they assume a dual personality once left too be seen as a problem to be corrected. We have cycled into a diluted evolution of humankind. Losing the properties of humanness to technological interaction via cyber space and becoming a sightless society in the process.

How do you speak and interact differently with those displaying eye contact and those who are sightless to who you are? Do you watch the news anymore or read headlines, which at one time might have provoked an emotion from you? Is an Amber alert knowledge or prayers for a child? Troops were killed in Afghanistan this week, have you seen any of the eyes of those who fought and died for you or do they remain sightless? Losing sight of humanity will not bring this world together or change on any level. Until, we are one, or masses choose again to look into each other's eyes in the face of joy or pain we are choosing to allow our hearts to remain uninvolved in our futures.

Eyes are said to be the windows to the soul. Native Americans chose not to be photographed and have the imprint of their eyes caught as a fragment of their soul in still life. Today, you might have read of joy or pain – though did you experience this from the heart or information? Who have you spoken to today with the eyes of your soul?

Gathered in the largest true social experiment of all time, what are the costs to your own evolution? On the information highway you can choose to remain untouched by sight, you can choose to be an alternate personality of your choice without feeling any discontent when leaving your computer. You can NOW choose multiples of applications to comfort your days on your Blackberry, I Phone, or I Pad and feel your day is complete, then close your eyes and sleep sightless at the end of the day. You can sit at a computer all day and never open your eyes to the world only touching on the world in front of you. You have chosen sightless evolution, possibly for long periods you have also chosen no sound. Choose today to use the windows of your soul to express who you are, speak with the voice of sound and rise up and acknowledge those who are sightless to be seen and felt again. This part represents your humanity, the other represents your chosen programming. Shut down the machine and become equal parts of who you are without the fragmentation of machine, applications, or altered personalities void and sightless. SEE the world and interact through the eyes of your soul allowing the sightless to reawaken from the social experiments, which have gripped your existence. When it comes time to shut down in this life, who will remember you – the sighted or sightless of your creation.




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