Frequencies and magnetics of thought processing

Frequencies and magnetics of thought processing

Frequencies and magnetics of thought processing in some areas of thought have been expressed as transparency. Concentrating just in the period since 2010, we have seen an excellaration in the progression in the opening and evolution of frequencies aligned by thought and through thought, then displayed in acts of man, nature and our animal populations of this world.

The picture above is only for demonstration purposes to create a visual of the process. In a very minute form, imagine this. Each line in this frequency could display a thought generated by one and connected to another. As the thought process in a transparent form, unsheathed by doubt and more so enhanced by belief, the connection builds energy. Multiply this form which could be thought of as being as small as a "mustard seed" to the population of our known Earth, still keeping this simple in form. As the thought process of millions, rather than a handful share the same thought with the same frequency - the outcome gains more energy. Good, bad or indifferent, the process is without boundrys.

Using the energy of healing as a reference, when healing is sent within the same frequency as what could be called the need of responders, or those requesting this frequency of healing - the power of all linked into this frequency become one with all senders and responders within the frequency.

Using this premise again, in relation to the thought process of believing, all senders and responders within the like frequency increase the vibration of the specific thought belief being shared. In doing so, this frequency of thought gains power.

In nature, a simple storm can have the energy increased as a responder, a million fold by the created energy and belief of a simple storm becoming a hurricane,tornado,tsumani and so forth. With the increased energy frequencies which do reside in and around our world, the magnetics of like frequencies continue to intensify. WE hold a responsibility and acountability as a whole for all acts in our world, whether this is your immediate world with the power of family in smaller frequencies and magnetics, or globally in the acts unfolding on all energy levels of frequencies from the lowest to the highest.

In the matrix of energy the freqencies are without faces, genders, cultures, religions - only aligned by thought becoming the magnetic energy increasing an energy belt either simply formed as above, or intensified to the point of all lines of thought becoming a glowing spectrum or black hole where all thoughts exist as if the spiral has lost all control or escape.

Frequencies and magnetics of love, hate, war, evolution and destruction as a thought hold the same power as seen through the demonstration of being in a mortal state. Frequencies and magnetics increase and decrease according to the build of energy they posess. In this case, the phrase "and this too shall pass" becomes better understood. If you were to ask a child in America today, what the IRA stands for - the answer would be completely different than 30 years ago. If, you were to ask the child of today about east/west Germany, without a history book the division no longer is relavant to their knowledge. Our history of a previous time is the thought process of "and this too shall pass". The frequencies and magnetics which created times which no longer serve thought processes of today have passed with a diffused energy intensity to stabilize the existence NOW. If you were to write one statement to answer "How has the magnetics changed the frequencies of my life?", what would the answer be.

Responsibilty, accountability and owning our world resides within each of us. When events happen which we choose not to take responsibility for or be held accoutable for - hey it is not us, must be God, Mother Nature or some extreme society at fault. How we choose to infuse or difuse the energy frequencies and magnetics or our world will change by the face in your mirror. Your choice, each thought will carry the energy of an outcome.


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