"I wish I had a crystal ball! (Psst.. you already do!)

"I wish I had a crystal ball! (Psst.. you already do!)

Photo enhanced to convey incoming energy (aka - crystal ball)

How many times have you heard the statement "I wish I had a crystal ball!" The count truthfully with most would be more times than could be remembered. The times when seeing forward, could bring peace to the present, the answer; if you just knew it or the message or information to assist you?

Absolutely everyone, posesses a "crystal ball" of such - formed with the energy of three elements; hope, faith and trust. Innerwoven and distinct to the individual keeper of the ball. What are the three elements used in choosing to recieve information from outside of yourself? Possibly: Hope, Faith and Trust? Hmmm... universal elements available to all, freely and with no cost. Quite a deal the universe has given, all encapsulated in the existence of mortality. Yet, for reasons of feeling uncapeable, taboos of how life has been programmed or just unwilling to use the personal power of vision; the ball remains outside of rather than inside of them, searching for answers in a constant journey of being validated - rather than seeing from within.

This past week, my daughter lost a friend to suicide. Young man of 31 years, young children he adored and yet his ability to see beyond this time, left him in making a decision in which his time would end. If, he could have seen 1 year from now in imagination itself, happy heathly and with a new understanding of this time, his daughters would be spending time with their dad today, rather than a funeral.

Buddah, once said all stress is either behind you or ahead of you, in the present it does not exist. So much truth in Buddah talking about the NOW, before talking about the NOW seemed to general knowledge. If a young man of 31, believed in this knowledge - time in this world of thought would still exist. His journey has not ended, he has only lost the senses of mortality in experiencing life. Every breath his daughters take and evey movement they make in life, he has now already seen without a sense of touch in being there. We are not to judge him, he has already judged himself and that is more than enough. I wish him blessings on his continuing journey, and if at some point he chooses to rejoin this life journey, the universe will send him in a new thought process of experience.

Your crystal ball, your inner faith, hope and trust is still ready for use. Trust when you ask "show me myself five years from now, with the image flashing" through your mind. Trust your questions and your images which are returned. All things shall pass is a phrase known for so very long, don't distrust your future, in how your life may be at this time. Do not judge your potential, unless you refuse to accept the potential you hold. Your alive, your strong and free to choose. Pull that energy which is constantly circulating throughout your physical being with the hope, trust and faith of this universe - you will find an inner power in what you choose to access from your "crystal ball". 


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