
Showing posts from July, 2012

Collagen/Fabric of the Universe

Collagen/Fabric of the Universe In these days of thoughts being expressed in regard to Chick-Fil-A, barring of a black wedding in a white church, civil wars across our world, all being done in the name of God (grandiose object of divinity) it makes me wonder when God left the house of those who choose to use the name of God to justify, segregate and pronounce judgment throughout our world in speaking of, yet living without the very principals which creation or the universe gave to find balance. To me, God could be equated to collagen in the human body, designed to support what is necessary and held in place for organs to properly function in the space of human design. How those organs function is independent of the support system. How humans function in relation to God, is a choice to either being independent of the support of the universe or tuning in and keeping the elasticity provided. Maybe more prevalent now in this time, the support given as heartfelt is being replaced as se...

Goodbye to GG

My former mother-n-law passed from this world last night. The last of a group of five sisters has now joined them along with a wonderful man I knew as my father-n-law. She held many titles, daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, community leader and at times a bit of an activist in her political beliefs. Most of all she held love for family and friends who knew her. Through these last years, heart attacks and weekly dialysis, she kept on being there for others. Arranging meals for families after funerals at her church, active in a retirement community and still always remembering her family on birthdays and holidays. Like so many others who experience the elderly years, the physical took a toll and slowed down while the spirit stayed strong. Since I was sixteen years old, you have been inner-twined in my life pleasures and sorrow. Being a grandmother you accepted heart and soul. We had our bridges of understanding and breeches in understanding along the way, t...

The Frames of your existence

The Frames of your existence If, I had the time to write down every flood of information from energy waves which fill my mind, I probably would be homeless and starving – because nothing else would consume my time. As a rule, what has flooded my thoughts thirty minutes later is lost in being able to remember. Once I open my mind up again to the clutter of random thoughts they overtake the space. My eyes are far-sighted, though years ago if I wanted to see something very small and close I would call for the eyes of the hawk and the smallest of objects would become visible. A few years ago, I was in the pool on a hot day like the one we can all identify with at this time – putting droplets of water on my arm. The difference was, when total attention was given to the small drops of water, I could see the most intricate forms within the water itself. If you have seen The Peaceful Warrior, a segment represents looking at frames rather than randomly watching life around you. When you...

Peaceful Warrior

If you have seen Peacful Warrior, watch it again.. if you have not - watch and listen... What is important is the journey, not the destination.

Praying for the highest healing

Good times and bad times in my life, Wind Beneath My Wings by Bette Midler has always been a song which lifted me higher than I thought I could be. Tones touching the heart and soul without explanation, only knowing that it is. At this time, my daughter is experiencing the trials of cancer in her life, holding unto the possiblities of her faith and yet the moments come when she finds herself feeling like she is falling. She is the wind beneath the wings of many people. When she found out she had cancer she remembered the words of someone special in her life who would make the statement of "why not?" instead of "why me?. I have complete faith she will overcome as a statement of miracles. At this time, she is not asking for others to pray for her - only with her/us for the greatest potential outcome. If you are reading this post from wherever you sit in the world, can you say a prayer with us. We thank you assisting in being the wind beneath her wings. Blessings

Just my thoughts in regard to Colorado

Just my own thoughts on the theatre shooter in Colorado this morning. If I am wrong, that is great! Though I feel this young man has a brilliant mind and carefully calculated the numbers in preparing his plan. So far we know about the theatre and booby trapped apt., which creates a dual or paralell potential outcome. Would "dual" create an event likely to be unsurpassed in his lifetime?  If he had not survived, the building by all probability would have blown on entering the apt., which would not be relevant to him if deceased. Since he did survive, and informed authorities of the booby trap, he halted knowingly having killed faces he has come to recognize. Could the booby trapped apt., be nothing more than a detourant at this point or distracting from attention being given elsewhere creating a triangle or 3 in his plotting. I would hope not, though something feels very un-done yet in his plan. I would rather be wrong than be right, but still hold the feeling an...

Colorado theatre shootings As with the rest of the world, prayers today being sent to the victims, families, and friends in theatres' 8 and 9 last night in Aurora, Colorado. For each victim, I am sure there are 100+ immediate family and friends whose lives will never be the same.


Though written almost five years ago, what may have seemed at the time an oddity to myself could very well becoming more common across this world. Time/Space, how do you relate? Time/Space entry 09/16/2007 Over the course of the last few months, experiences that I have been a part of seem to be part of experiencing a time/space or lack thereof. Being able to walk into parts of my house that are yet to exist, but see them being completed. Going to sleep, only to wake up later, and have the time on the clock prior to going to sleep. Being at my computer typing and at the next instant being the observer of an empty chair, but having the information typed in that time, still present. My reasoning at this time for journaling these experiences is to not only record events, but to increase my own awareness through acknowledging the events. Allowing the thoughts to be released and a deeper part of understanding to become knowledge. How many entries, or where this will go I am not sur...


Around my house, strange becomes the normal followed by either "thank you" or "knock it off!" For a long time now, the man who lives below us chooses to play his music so loud day and night, at times sleeping is near impossible with the sound making the floor vibrate. Agreeing to address the situation finally with management tomorrow, my daughter went into her bathroom afterwards and a brand new multi-pack of earplugs was lying on top of her basket of toiletries. No one in this house bought the earplugs, so we just said "thank you" without further explanations needed. I could write volumes of remembrances of this nature, though tonight I will share one. For many years in our old house, well aware of energy that was close – objects were disappearing and reappear continually. Many times, the appearance/disappearance was in perfect timing. And other times, rather annoying. Over the years, we nicknamed this energy Bob. This energy was never vocal, yet hi...

Spiritual Windows – My perception

Spiritual Windows – My perception   I have been writing for seven years on spirituality through my website and in blog form, without addressing my own interpretation of Spiritual Windows. Yet, I find more individuals then ever before searching for the answer to what a spiritual window might be. Within this article, for the first time publicly I will answer that question from my own interpretation I received many years ago. Mortality chooses to find acceptance with life/death and at times reincarnation for explanation in searching beyond the known to the unknown "How do you get there?" Our world is shifting in a thirst beyond not only the written but also the evidence of the unknown. Ms.Walters segment was somewhat limited to proving or disproving the major faiths of this world such as Christianity, Muslim, and Mormon and included a very small inclusion of Spirituality and Atheists. Interesting perspectives from all interviewed, yet leavin...

The Frog Pursuit

Life continually reminds us of the pursuit; and the eyes of our soul reflecting our own choices and actions through experience. The Frog Pursuit Once upon a time, a boy found himself without a care for the discipline of life, the feeling of being uncaring for what would result in life, this boy stood within his chaos. As he grew and became a man, he continued to flounder in his true desire, uncaring of the outcome of his actions. One day as he was walking through the streets of the busy city that he lived, a small girl unexpectedly crossed his path. Not seeing the small child and through the force of intersecting each other, the small girl was quickly struck down to the curb of the street by this man. Realizing what he had done, the man swiftly bent down to the child. In seeing her dazed eyes, he began to speak to her. The man's first thought was too reprimand the child even as she lay on the sidewalk, still caught within the trauma of this time. As the man looked into her eye...


H ow O ur P erception E volves Gives a different perspective on how we see ourselves as the beneficiary of our dreams.  

Adventures of Moniko - E-Reader version free on July 2nd through July 6th
