Around my house, strange becomes the normal followed by either "thank you" or "knock it off!" For a long time now, the man who lives below us chooses to play his music so loud day and night, at times sleeping is near impossible with the sound making the floor vibrate. Agreeing to address the situation finally with management tomorrow, my daughter went into her bathroom afterwards and a brand new multi-pack of earplugs was lying on top of her basket of toiletries. No one in this house bought the earplugs, so we just said "thank you" without further explanations needed.
I could write volumes of remembrances of this nature, though tonight I will share one. For many years in our old house, well aware of energy that was close – objects were disappearing and reappear continually. Many times, the appearance/disappearance was in perfect timing. And other times, rather annoying. Over the years, we nicknamed this energy Bob. This energy was never vocal, yet his presence was known and at times, we did thank him, other times the energy tolerated our frustration as well – in silence. Almost ten years ago, one evening I was getting ready to leave the house and once again my keys were missing! I knew I had dropped them on my bed minutes before and now they were gone. In a reaction to this familiar act, I loudly said "BOB, I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS TONIGHT!", the difference in this instance was a booming voice responding "DON"T CALL ME BOB!"
I do not care what your level of contact is, how familiar you are with spirit, etc. – when a loud booming voice responds unexpectedly, you listen. The sound of the voice had only one physical connection to me in this world. Anybody who ever knew my stepfather Leo would have instinctively identified the voice. Leo left this world in the late 1980's, and now in 2002 he was just as clear as years before. Fear was not part of the equation, finding out why or what he was doing peaked my interest. A couple days would pass before I heard that voice again.
Picking up my grandson from elementary school a couple of days later, I would be joined again by the voice in my car. I did ask him why he was here, rather than leaving or crossing beyond this world. His only response was that he felt my mom could not take care of herself. I told him she had been taking care of herself for many years since he left. He asked me to deliver one message for him, which was simply "tell her I love her," a message sadly enough I did not deliver feeling my mother would think I was crazy. Only to learn when she was close to passing, she would have understood perfectly.
Later that night, my daughter woke up around two in the morning, asking grandpa if he was okay to leave her a sign. My daughter would leave her laptop on at night to chat with a local friend who at that time was in Bahrain. When she went back to bed, he laptop was on and ready to go. When she woke the next morning, the laptop and messenger had been shut down and the lid to the laptop half closed. Her sign that Bob/Grandpa was just fine and since that day, I have not heard again from Bob/Leo and I take that as a sign that all is well also.


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