Collagen/Fabric of the Universe
Collagen/Fabric of the Universe
In these days of thoughts being expressed in regard to Chick-Fil-A, barring of a black wedding in a white church, civil wars across our world, all being done in the name of God (grandiose object of divinity) it makes me wonder when God left the house of those who choose to use the name of God to justify, segregate and pronounce judgment throughout our world in speaking of, yet living without the very principals which creation or the universe gave to find balance.
To me, God could be equated to collagen in the human body, designed to support what is necessary and held in place for organs to properly function in the space of human design. How those organs function is independent of the support system. How humans function in relation to God, is a choice to either being independent of the support of the universe or tuning in and keeping the elasticity provided. Maybe more prevalent now in this time, the support given as heartfelt is being replaced as self-felt, emotional decrees of what is and is not – or simply having the heart space allowed to give ego the greater real estate while it rooms with fear, doubt and lack of trust.
The God I believe in holds worth in Trust, Joy, and Love, with these attributes superseding fear, doubt, and lack of trust. Joy is a flow of energy, which does not hold a pattern of flow with doubt, fear, or lack of trust. In using God, as the basis of segregation, racism, and intolerance from a space of less than joy – is spoken from a Christian commandment "Do not take the name of God in vain" as the basis of justifying acts within religious beliefs. Using their own mortal character, vanity, fear, doubt and the lack of trust as the shield of explanation in the name of God, ridiculous, at best.
Yet, as a world society – tolerance is given daily to the acts, not only those who appear to use personal statements in the rally, included our many considered spiritual leaders in this world, finding the wealth of early endeavors in Gods name, now very much a lucrative marketplace with very low percentages being returned into the world – in Gods name. Is there a judgment to be given by the collagen/fabric of the universe in future endeavors in Gods name, no. To do so, would only be a creator who enables the fear, doubt, and lack of trust. Withdrawing the collagen/fabric of support to future endeavors and removing Trust, Joy, and Love from what is attempted, a very real possibility. As in the mega endeavors of their predecessors, when the trust, joy and love is removed from the energy of the messenger, what remains in the hollow of mortality left to remember. What had lit the hearts of followers, moves on to another in finding the energy, which attracted each, not the person. Real estate of ego, fear, doubt, and lack of trust is left to see in the mirror. God did not withdraw from the heart, just adhered to the free will of mortality in allowing and accepting silence.
Our world IS more discerning now than ages past. Politicians no longer can easily sway a vote on empty promises without verifying past success, mortals who choose to drape a "cloth of God" can only sustain being the messenger when the energy if felt and not only spoke of being felt. We are no longer a world out of touch, we are in touch and tuned into trust, joy, and love – yearning to find and quick to out those who are false. The collagen/fabric of our universe has changed, we dare to reach for the outer limits and find faith in knowing we do not have any inner-limits. We are spiritual beings in a physical existence with new collagen supporting and being acknowledged, having always been there – only now the organs are playing a new tune.