Just my thoughts in regard to Colorado
Just my own thoughts on the theatre shooter in Colorado this morning. If I am wrong, that is great! Though I feel this young man has a brilliant mind and carefully calculated the numbers in preparing his plan. So far we know about the theatre and booby trapped apt., which creates a dual or paralell potential outcome. Would "dual" create an event likely to be unsurpassed in his lifetime? If he had not survived, the building by all probability would have blown on entering the apt., which would not be relevant to him if deceased. Since he did survive, and informed authorities of the booby trap, he halted knowingly having killed faces he has come to recognize. Could the booby trapped apt., be nothing more than a detourant at this point or distracting from attention being given elsewhere creating a triangle or 3 in his plotting. I would hope not, though something feels very un-done yet in his plan. I would rather be wrong than be right, but still hold the feeling and that is all I have to say.