Praying for the highest healing

Good times and bad times in my life, Wind Beneath My Wings by Bette Midler has always been a song which lifted me higher than I thought I could be. Tones touching the heart and soul without explanation, only knowing that it is.

At this time, my daughter is experiencing the trials of cancer in her life, holding unto the possiblities of her faith and yet the moments come when she finds herself feeling like she is falling. She is the wind beneath the wings of many people. When she found out she had cancer she remembered the words of someone special in her life who would make the statement of "why not?" instead of "why me?. I have complete faith she will overcome as a statement of miracles.

At this time, she is not asking for others to pray for her - only with her/us for the greatest potential outcome. If you are reading this post from wherever you sit in the world, can you say a prayer with us. We thank you assisting in being the wind beneath her wings.


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