The Frames of your existence
The Frames of your existence
If, I had the time to write down every flood of information from energy waves which fill my mind, I probably would be homeless and starving – because nothing else would consume my time. As a rule, what has flooded my thoughts thirty minutes later is lost in being able to remember. Once I open my mind up again to the clutter of random thoughts they overtake the space.
My eyes are far-sighted, though years ago if I wanted to see something very small and close I would call for the eyes of the hawk and the smallest of objects would become visible. A few years ago, I was in the pool on a hot day like the one we can all identify with at this time – putting droplets of water on my arm. The difference was, when total attention was given to the small drops of water, I could see the most intricate forms within the water itself. If you have seen The Peaceful Warrior, a segment represents looking at frames rather than randomly watching life around you. When you look at the frames of life, they intensify. Sitting at a dinner table, is a clear enough setting for doing so. Are you really looking, or just processing random frames drawn together? Even focusing on a pitcher of water or liquid and clearing all else, from your mind, all vibrations affect the water and rather than being still – the water takes on motion becoming more intense with each word or movement at the table. Clearing all else leaves you in one moment or frame with a heightened existence, much the same as being still in the energy of allowing energy to flow directly to you, through you and become a part of you. That is being in the NOW, the nano-frame of existence.
Available to all, it is not a gift or tool reserved for some and denied others – it is you being still. I use to be in what seemed like a constant pursuit to learn more, do more, hone in on more – the race. Only to find out the race does not exist, all exist in being still, allowing your mind to be a receiver rather than a racetrack.
Over the last decade, I have collected all markers I felt I needed for compensation for one of my best friends paintings to be done (Deb's Sacred Images).She perfectly captured an energy I have worked with for a very long time, always being my dreams too have this energy on a canvas. I love the image, I am grateful, though after receiving the image I realized this was no longer a need in having his image on a wall. Disappointed? No, just a realization the physical had long ago connected this energy between my vision and spirit. Does this take away from the work done by Deb? Not in the least, the painting affirms my own knowledge, and I see the painting as another frame of my existence, but better known in a string of frames rather than a single link.
I use to attend different metaphysical fairs and would easily become bored, always looking to play a bit, rather than using the event as a learning tool. Vendors would string pendulums in a row across a wooden frame for display, making the selection easier for prospective buyers. My play would be standing in front of the display with an intent, which would move the whole line in different directions. Stares I would receive from vendors and onlookers as an oddity would create a playground. With nothing special in doing so, only concentrating on the pendulums as a frame rather than a group in the bigger scene, which existed around the display. Understanding the knowledge of being still is not a gift, it is the right of our existence.
I do muse at ones in the world who have proclaimed themselves spiritual masters, ones who do their best to convince others – if you only follow my beliefs’, I can take you to places you have never been?
Great theory of profitability, in the God for Sale marketing endeavor, though the only one on this earth who can truly take you, where you might not have been is YOU! You are the only one who can choose maybe after walking a thousand miles outside of yourself in pursuit of knowledge, to walk back into who you are, where the answers are and where life can be found slowed down into a single frame of existence called the moment of NOW. The moment of being still, does not include any sign of movement, which is unrecognized. Every vibration of the NOW is fully intensified, with the probability of anyone being able to exist in that frame in a mortal embodiment in life as we know it, would be physically impossible if you truly understand how slow in relation to time, a moment is.
Many of the ones, who call themselves masters, talk about it. James Redfield, Deepak Chopra, even Oprah... though none truly live and exist a human life entirely in the frame of existence called the NOW. Tuning into your frames of existence will take you into spaces not in your mind, but free of the mind in all of it’s emotion, ego and clutter believed to be needed, yet is 99% useless in being still, and this is where you will come connected to your inner-guidance – one frame of existence at a time.