
Showing posts from February, 2015

Changing the energy in a specified area

Changing the energy in a specified area Many are under the impression, to clear the energy in a specified area a medium or energy worker needs to be attained for the task to be completed. You can change/cleanse the area in a home, business or any specified space by following a few simple steps. Regardless of the intent, completely cleansing an area of all energy is a myth at best. You can lighten, change and set intent of the energy in an area, completing removing any and all energy would be like taking a star from the universe, it is not going to happen. Your energy field is roughly 8’ surrounding you, as is any other dense object or person. All other energy is either at times within the 8’ diameter or just beyond the field. What affects you would be within your energy field to create any sensations to you. Outside your energy field, energy can still manifest and create transformation of energy around you. One simple tool for judging energy is the use of dowsing...

Movie recomendation - Saving Mr. Banks Movie recommendation of Saving Mr Banks. If watched from the overview, it is fascinating. If watched from a narrower perception the movie is lost to not being satisfied. Give it a try

Let us talk Past Lives and ties in this life

Let us talk Past Lives A segment on Dr. Oz was directed to past life regression, with hypnosis showing the improvement which can be made in this life of knowing another life, also showing how the brain centers expanded as a result. Although acknowledging past lives and the affect one can have on another being taken seriously by the professionals or medical community, this is only the beginning of touching on a subject, which is shown in the infancy of understanding. So many times a precluding source of information is taken as being the whole of the knowledge. What I write and relay is from my own experiences and should only be accepted as such, as each has an experience of their own. What I do know, is knowledge of past lives can make significant changes in a life you are experiencing right now. Much like the rings, you would see when a tree is cut; all lives depend on each other an...

Movie recommendation - Song of Bernadette 1943

Image Song of Bernadette depicts Lourdes France and the spring water. Though from 1943, the film is worth watching..

Ironies of time

Last night even though I did not truly need my phone alarm, I left it on rather than change the settings. Chelah my cat, woke me up during the night so I picked up the phone to check the time - 2:03 A:M. Alarm was set for 5 A:M, so I put the phone down and went back to sleep. Later on I woke up and expected to see the time as around 5:00 as my mind usually wakes me up just prior to 5 on most mornings. Once again checked the phone and now the time was reading 2:06 A:M even though I had slept quite awhile.Put the phone back down really not worrying if for some reason the phone was not working properly. 5:00 A:M the alarm did go off right as programmed in the settings.This is not the first time - time itself has been recorded as either almost standing still or in one case, waking up prior to the time I went to sleep, with a handful of times over the last decade of seeing this happen it becomes less of an oddity and just a sign repeated that time is no more than our way in this world of...

The secret of living is takin a chance

 Driving out into the woods today to spend time with Grace after snow yesterday was a trying experience.The path through the woods was snowy and slick, unable to drive up to the top of the hill in reaching the house I parked the car at the bottom and walked the hill in 3 degree temps. I could have used my phone to cancel the time with her, though in my head I could hear her speak of being in Austria and walking up the mountain in the snow to take care of another. Mountain compared to a steep hill - I can do this. Sitting with Grace this morning while she slowly ate away on a muffin while speaking for an hour, I began to have that feeling of being pulled ,ore into an altered state. This is not uncommon - though I usually go into resistance mode and refocus, Today I just let it be.Shortly afterwards I could see a pendant/medallion show up on her forehead. The medallion had one bar across the top with words I could not interpret and another symbol hanging below the words with two f...

"Everything has a reason"

"Everything has a reason" was a phrase my client I'll call Grace had to share today. At 91 years old, she has been assigned a label of dementia included in her description. I do see times when she repeats stories from her life where she has either found objections or memories which she holds the dearest, if this is a label for dementia then each of us share the same label at times in life. On the refrigerator in her home, magnets hang as mementos in her life of destinations traveled too at one time or another, from Paris to Vegas she has been there.Today as we looked over the moments of her life symbolized in magnets she just quietly stated "everything for a reason". Her way of looking at life in good times or less than good in memory, all is recognized for a reason. Many times she has stated after traveling the world and now living alone she is nothing. My only response to her in these moments is "if you are nothing,then you are everything". A ...

Video working with the energy of a Plasma ball

Video working with the energy of a Plasma ball  

Groundhog wisdom - 6 more weeks of Winter - or not?

The groundhog says six more weeks of winter, do you think people in the southern hemisphere took the news the same as you might of? Not to mention the position of the universe had something more to do with it than Phil.Spring is 03/20, whether Phil is with a shadow or not.Come on Spring, go back to sleep Phil. All is well.