Changing the energy in a specified area

Changing the energy in a specified area Many are under the impression, to clear the energy in a specified area a medium or energy worker needs to be attained for the task to be completed. You can change/cleanse the area in a home, business or any specified space by following a few simple steps. Regardless of the intent, completely cleansing an area of all energy is a myth at best. You can lighten, change and set intent of the energy in an area, completing removing any and all energy would be like taking a star from the universe, it is not going to happen. Your energy field is roughly 8’ surrounding you, as is any other dense object or person. All other energy is either at times within the 8’ diameter or just beyond the field. What affects you would be within your energy field to create any sensations to you. Outside your energy field, energy can still manifest and create transformation of energy around you. One simple tool for judging energy is the use of dowsing...