Let us talk Past Lives and ties in this life

Let us talk Past Lives

A segment on Dr. Oz was directed to past life regression, with hypnosis showing the improvement which can be made in this life of knowing another life, also showing how the brain centers expanded as a result. Although acknowledging past lives and the affect one can have on another being taken seriously by the professionals or medical community, this is only the beginning of touching on a subject, which is shown in the infancy of understanding. So many times a precluding source of information is taken as being the whole of the knowledge.

What I write and relay is from my own experiences and should only be accepted as such, as each has an experience of their own. What I do know, is knowledge of past lives can make significant changes in a life you are experiencing right now. Much like the rings, you would see when a tree is cut; all lives depend on each other and affect each other. If you cut a tree in half, would it continue to have life? A circle of interaction between all rings from the newest to the oldest keep the tree of life “alive.” With this theology of thought, I would like to relay my own experiences in working past life work with others.

Many times our disease or major contributing factors to our state of health in this life can be directly related to a past life unresolved or the trauma of exiting in another life. The knowledge given in this life of precipitating factors in another can change elements of our existence now. Relating to the show, they used hypnosis. I have worked with past lives using what I call a tool/factor of intervention between the knowledge of the past and the present.

In case 1: The individual had suffered with migraines, problems with the female system and various smaller fears during her life when requesting help. I saw her riding a horse in another life, falling from the horse and having a very complicated delivery – alone on the ground. The knowledge of these factors brought to her awareness now, brought improvement to the problems in which she had in this life.

In case 2: The individual was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and sent home to put his affairs in order in this life. I could see him as a French soldier in another life and taking a direct hit of gunpowder to the chest, which took his life. After learning of the connection between the two experiences, he returned to the hospital for more scans and only a vague spot of cancer could be scraped from his lungs. He continued to life for more than 3 years and died of heart failure. During the 3 years, he became very holistic in how he looked at his body, reached out to others in his community who were diagnosed and did not take any cancer treatments between diagnosis and the end of his life. Though death still took his life, he took his 3 years to prepare in the form of choice.

In case 3:  A woman had suffered from facial pain to the point of considering having nerves in her face severed to relieve the pain. I saw her sitting by a spring in a past life, alone and left with a metal headpiece covering her skull. She could still function to a degree as far as eating and drinking but could not remove the headpiece. Bringing her spirit knowledge of the experience, facial pain did cease.

I could go on, though I feel enough examples have been presented. There is a direct correlation between all lives, which have been experienced, much like comparing thoughts you might have and finding a balance between many thoughts to find the resolution or conclusion to bring peace or definition from the overview in thinking.

Is all disease in this life a result of past lives? No. Each life is individual and the cause and effect can be new or old in repose. I would guesstimate from experience, past life influence on your life now in relation to disease or afflictions would range in the low 80’s percentile. The mind is the command center in changing reactions in your body and knowledge is power to the mind when given the sequence of interactive events spanning your existence.

Past life knowledge itself, whether to a client or myself is only given if the knowledge is of the highest need of the request. Yourself, in a higher form knows if the knowledge will be granted or refused according to your life presence at this time. Any knowledge given during either hypnosis or through the way I work is not free access for curiosity reasons. As much as knowledge, which is needed, not all is to be known to the human existence,

Just a few of my thought and experiences with past life knowledge,


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