The secret of living is takin a chance
Driving out into the woods today to spend time with Grace after snow yesterday was a trying experience.The path through the woods was snowy and slick, unable to drive up to the top of the hill in reaching the house I parked the car at the bottom and walked the hill in 3 degree temps. I could have used my phone to cancel the time with her, though in my head I could hear her speak of being in Austria and walking up the mountain in the snow to take care of another. Mountain compared to a steep hill - I can do this.
Sitting with Grace this morning while she slowly ate away on a muffin while speaking for an hour, I began to have that feeling of being pulled ,ore into an altered state. This is not uncommon - though I usually go into resistance mode and refocus, Today I just let it be.Shortly afterwards I could see a pendant/medallion show up on her forehead. The medallion had one bar across the top with words I could not interpret and another symbol hanging below the words with two fine chains on each side holding it to the head.
She spoke of taking chances today and not worrying about if the chances would be there tomorrow,stating this thinking took her many places in life on impulse she did not regret.If her daughter said "Mama, were going to go to Italy today,she went and enjoyed the chance of going, She spoke of her fellow she traveled with her has now passed on, and wondered if the impulses of travel might have been too much? Though realizing he would have it no other way.
As we finished styling her hair for the day during our beauty shop time, she told me I should do this on my own for many people and make lots of money. I told her money is not everything - living is. I really do not worry where my money is coming from, what is needed is always available just by enjoying what I am doing rather than living for the money. She said "I give you 20.00 for my hair,yes". No,you gave me time with you,yes - that is enough.
Taking even the simple chances in life whether they keep you on course or take you off course each day, are without error. I would not have seen within her what I did today without walking a hill of discomfort, after being reminded how others climb mountains to reach others, I would not have seen the joy in the eyes of 91 years in just having her hair styled on a cold winter day. I would not have seen the array of birds who came to feed on her deck in the icy temps if I have not walked a hill in the process.
This universe gives us simple moments and grand moments to enjoy when taking the chance of being rested in a moment rather than giving in to retreat. Life will take you into retreat, living will take you into unimagined joy if you are open and without resistance to just taking a chance. The universe offers the chances each step of our lives to choose if a chance will take us further in expanding our progression of living. Whether we are cold, tired or unwilling to take that chance, is a personal choice in either opening new spiritual doors or windows of living. With a window being seeing a new perspective inside the same room or a door which leads to another room of growth in mortal form.
Before you dismiss a chance today - you only have the moment you are in to decide where the universe is prompting you to go, or stay as you may. Take a chance, put a foot forward - climb that hill and see over the mountain.This is what the secret of living is given and expressed.Your choice! You only have the moment to decide.
Sitting with Grace this morning while she slowly ate away on a muffin while speaking for an hour, I began to have that feeling of being pulled ,ore into an altered state. This is not uncommon - though I usually go into resistance mode and refocus, Today I just let it be.Shortly afterwards I could see a pendant/medallion show up on her forehead. The medallion had one bar across the top with words I could not interpret and another symbol hanging below the words with two fine chains on each side holding it to the head.
She spoke of taking chances today and not worrying about if the chances would be there tomorrow,stating this thinking took her many places in life on impulse she did not regret.If her daughter said "Mama, were going to go to Italy today,she went and enjoyed the chance of going, She spoke of her fellow she traveled with her has now passed on, and wondered if the impulses of travel might have been too much? Though realizing he would have it no other way.
As we finished styling her hair for the day during our beauty shop time, she told me I should do this on my own for many people and make lots of money. I told her money is not everything - living is. I really do not worry where my money is coming from, what is needed is always available just by enjoying what I am doing rather than living for the money. She said "I give you 20.00 for my hair,yes". No,you gave me time with you,yes - that is enough.
Taking even the simple chances in life whether they keep you on course or take you off course each day, are without error. I would not have seen within her what I did today without walking a hill of discomfort, after being reminded how others climb mountains to reach others, I would not have seen the joy in the eyes of 91 years in just having her hair styled on a cold winter day. I would not have seen the array of birds who came to feed on her deck in the icy temps if I have not walked a hill in the process.
This universe gives us simple moments and grand moments to enjoy when taking the chance of being rested in a moment rather than giving in to retreat. Life will take you into retreat, living will take you into unimagined joy if you are open and without resistance to just taking a chance. The universe offers the chances each step of our lives to choose if a chance will take us further in expanding our progression of living. Whether we are cold, tired or unwilling to take that chance, is a personal choice in either opening new spiritual doors or windows of living. With a window being seeing a new perspective inside the same room or a door which leads to another room of growth in mortal form.
Before you dismiss a chance today - you only have the moment you are in to decide where the universe is prompting you to go, or stay as you may. Take a chance, put a foot forward - climb that hill and see over the mountain.This is what the secret of living is given and expressed.Your choice! You only have the moment to decide.