
Showing posts from February, 2011

The Cycle of Fate

The cycle of Fate This week on a site I frequent, the following question was asked and my answer as given. Portia, over the last many weeks has been strong on my mind – many times when this push on the psyche is done, the person in thought is one also in need of assistance, though I have tended to go on with my own life and using the push more for reflection than responding   too it.  Tell us: who’s the most surprising friend you’ve ever made? And why? For me, one would be a black girl in the seventh grade. I had just been moved from a very rural type area to 12, started in a huge junior high much larger than even the high school where I came from and a quick wakening to another way kids interacted. The beginnings, to meeting Portia was in the gym locker room after class one day when for some very stupid reason on my part I let my mouth get into a discussion between her and another girl. We were both stubborn and within minutes, I had engaged a fight between myself, her,...

Moving from the heads to the heart of the dragon

Moving from the heads to the heart of the dragon We are living in and witnessing unprecedented times of history in this world, amazing and with a view that circles the planet. From close and far events, unfold daily where freedom is the cry and being heard with an energy, which is growing and linking together from the thoughts, powers, and wishes of the masses. A time of new beginnings, this world has not known before in such a rapid succession of desires being fulfilled. 2011 is a gateway to new beginnings being forged. People choosing to stand up; stand down all connecting to a vision of hope and new reality.  A dragon of oppression is being risen against with many heads, which have held the peoples of many lands dominated and in fear. Each head slew one at a time as we watch. Armies, which in the past aligned to keep the dragon strong, are now aligning with those who choose to release the heart of the dragon in final victories. These are not the end times, they are the beginn...

The Ultra Sensitive Children of Today’s World

The Ultra Sensitive Children of Today’s World Although what spurred this piece was watching a segment today on Oprah, my thoughts are not about the subject matter of violent children. During the show the mentioning of hearing voices, listening, and choosing differently is a very real part of the children of our world, in particular those, which have been born over the last twenty years. I am not going to assign the labels to them, they are not necessary.  Children of this time span not only are very attuned to their spiritual self, they have an increasing awareness beyond what many term the veil in being born with a greater knowing of who they are. Children who seem rather mystical and magical just to observe from they way they pull past knowledge into very young lives. Many are termed prodigies, being able to sing, paint, and do sports and areas of expertise far beyond the years they are chron...

Giving is receiving – satisfying and appreciated

Giving is receiving – satisfying and appreciated Many days of our lives, themes seem to run through the waking hours of our life. Today seemed to be a day of observing giving and receiving. Starting with the morning news and Good Morning America, with the segment of Dear Liz . Which, was recently started as a new advice section to the programming, with two viewers today, in a dilemma over Valentines Day? One takes offense because her date paid the bill for dinner with a gift card, rather than cash or credit. The other, feeling offended because her husband gave the same flower arrangement to both her and his daughter. Both, seemingly equally offended in receiving and lacking appreciation of being given the flowers or taken to dinner. Both carrying expectations of another in regards to themselves and not finding the expectations met. That alone creates a couple of bullet statements in life continually unrealized.  You cannot set expectations for another person, only for yourself...

Second Chance

Second Chances A favorite Christmas movie of mine “One Magic Christmas” blends the grief of losing someone special with understanding how our actions if given a second chance can change the outcome of our life with touches of mystical blessings and being able to see a new direction and hope. During the last three years, many across our world chose either to be in grief or to see second chances during this great recess of change in humanity through economic collapse and rebuilding who we are. Being lost in the grief of what was is a choice to reflect backwards without opening the windows of possibility to the future.  In 2006, I was told we would enter into a time when faith and trust in your beliefs could no longer be confined to one day a week to uplift and satisfaction being found in religious or spiritual beliefs, people would either find who they were within themselves each day of their lives or many would choose to cease to exist, regardless of past belief – feeling a fut...