Giving is receiving – satisfying and appreciated

Giving is receiving – satisfying and appreciated

Many days of our lives, themes seem to run through the waking hours of our life. Today seemed to be a day of observing giving and receiving. Starting with the morning news and Good Morning America, with the segment of Dear Liz. Which, was recently started as a new advice section to the programming, with two viewers today, in a dilemma over Valentines Day? One takes offense because her date paid the bill for dinner with a gift card, rather than cash or credit. The other, feeling offended because her husband gave the same flower arrangement to both her and his daughter. Both, seemingly equally offended in receiving and lacking appreciation of being given the flowers or taken to dinner. Both carrying expectations of another in regards to themselves and not finding the expectations met. That alone creates a couple of bullet statements in life continually unrealized. 

  • You cannot set expectations for another person, only for yourself. In doing so, you create a life of living vicariously through others in attempting to find satisfaction and appreciation, regardless of your own desire or intent in giving to achieve the outcome. 
  • When you truly give, less any expectations or motivation of receiving, you will receive many times, over what you have given, spontaneously and without expectations. You walk in faith that you have done all you can in being the source of you. 

Whether, flowers duplicated, or a dinner received now paid with a gift card, in both scenarios appreciation lacked in the equation. Through the rest of the day, this theme kept reappearing, I watched as my daughter packed a box for the postal service, sending two nieces a special package and card to receive, without any expectations of two little girls reciprocating her. Knowing when they receive the package, the squeals will be enough satisfaction and appreciation for all. 

Most days, I do not even watch TV – though today was not one. Tuning into Oprah and her guest of Iyanla Vanzant, who at one time in the history of the Oprah show was a spiritual consultant on the program before moving on to her own show and ventures. Hearing her speaks of the time, and what she did not receive or feel appreciation for was followed by the tones of her own choice of signifying her desire to receive over giving as requested. Her choice was not to talk to guests or interact in ways, which she deemed outside of her spiritual reasons for having the show, and subsequently the show was cancelled. She cancelled her opportunity feeling her expectations of others were not being met. Inner or outer, she cancelled herself out, by feeling receiving superseded giving. 

  • Absolutely, no one truly knows from an effort large or small the impact will have on another. A small comment given out of context or in humor to another, which is felt as a reaction from a wound, turns humor to pain. 
  •  Knowledge, from one of Iyanla’s guest on her show could have provided a moment of understanding from a point of perspective not always thought of as a spiritual moment, but when comments do create a spiritual understanding unaware. Spiritual moments of understanding can come from a glance from another person, a comment or a creation of link of understanding derived from all experiences in life. In her expectations of the show and being spiritual itself, those moments just maybe were not being seen, with a lack of appreciation of opportunity given for spirit to bring guests aligned on the show with the needs and desires of giving to others. 

Giving, preceding receiving creates a spiritual spiral of acceptance and appreciation. Spiraling from you and back again in a continual flow of energy unceasing in the process. Expectations of at which point that spiral will be your benefactor resist the flow. Large or small, silent or vocal – take time today to give no less than 60 seconds of you without expectations. Let go of resistance of what is not in your life and allow that resistance to flow away from you, rather than expending the energy to keep the force field intact. It is better to give than receive and to appreciate rather than expect. Doing so, life will be satisfying and without resistance. Only you can make that choice – for you!


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