Moving from the heads to the heart of the dragon

Moving from the heads to the heart of the dragon

We are living in and witnessing unprecedented times of history in this world, amazing and with a view that circles the planet. From close and far events, unfold daily where freedom is the cry and being heard with an energy, which is growing and linking together from the thoughts, powers, and wishes of the masses. A time of new beginnings, this world has not known before in such a rapid succession of desires being fulfilled. 2011 is a gateway to new beginnings being forged. People choosing to stand up; stand down all connecting to a vision of hope and new reality. 

A dragon of oppression is being risen against with many heads, which have held the peoples of many lands dominated and in fear. Each head slew one at a time as we watch. Armies, which in the past aligned to keep the dragon strong, are now aligning with those who choose to release the heart of the dragon in final victories. These are not the end times, they are the beginning times being created throughout this planet. Scientists watch as the magnetic fields of our planet become thinner with energy becoming lighter. Our days seem to reflect more sequential than linear. The time on the clocks not feeling as prevalent as activities accomplished during waking hours. 

People who once chose shorter hours of sleep are now finding themselves hungering for the hours in a dream state and reconnection and energizing. How much is done in a day being shifted to being fulfilled for accomplishments of the day. As each person steps through the gateway a feeling of being uplifted rather than existing takes priority. As the earth breathes and rocks into a new alignment with the magnetism and energy it seeks to release energy bringing on quakes and rising waters, which will settle into new formations. You can search the texts of the ancients without finding a true match in significance being created now. As the energy rises and takes strength all that hold the lower energy are losing the power they once held over lands, people and their environment. 

Do we watch in awe or fear? Knowing that fear is only an attribute of that which is unknown, we can choose faith and trust in what has been requested. We are part of a magically manifesting world not to be feared but embraced as the energy of masses unites and accelerates in the process. This is a new beginning; embrace your energy in the gateway. 


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