The Ultra Sensitive Children of Today’s World

The Ultra Sensitive Children of Today’s World

Although what spurred this piece was watching a segment today on Oprah, my thoughts are not about the subject matter of violent children. During the show the mentioning of hearing voices, listening, and choosing differently is a very real part of the children of our world, in particular those, which have been born over the last twenty years. I am not going to assign the labels to them, they are not necessary. 

Children of this time span not only are very attuned to their spiritual self, they have an increasing awareness beyond what many term the veil in being born with a greater knowing of who they are. Children who seem rather mystical and magical just to observe from they way they pull past knowledge into very young lives. Many are termed prodigies, being able to sing, paint, and do sports and areas of expertise far beyond the years they are chronologically. Very old souls on very distinct missions not being reserved for years of adult hood but they hit life running with a knowing of how to progress. 

The ultra sensitive children of today, in tune and attuned and early in life searching and finding other children seemingly unaware who share a journey with them on Earth. They carry an uncanny ability to remember and discern the life, people, and energy around them with radar, which feels very normal. The “imaginary” friend of the past other decades of childhood are not easily rejected by an adult telling them it is not so. They are bold, strong, and seeking guidance though they will not reject their own feelings of what is to be retained or released if instructed. They are the oldest of souls here to recreate a world of the future for the sake of survival. Babies, no longer are born with clouded vision, but seeing from day one clarity and wisdom shows in the eyes of the old. 

These are children to be observed and watched for their strengths and passions, with adults and caregivers who will help provide the tools and positive energy for each to reach their destiny. They are more than willing to tell you who they will be, no longer willing to be molded out of expectations or should they be. They talk early, walk early and excel early as they also become bored easily if confined to being less then who they are. They are amazing but tend to rage more at criticism then other generations of children. They do not take condescending tones easily, feeling they are older than seen. Endeavors are their challenge to complete, and they do it very well. They resist being blocked from growing and acknowledging their feelings. Many become molded and labeled with ADD, ADHD, and a host of mental labels and fought to change to fit what is known as a child. 

They are Ultra Sensitive children. Antennae are always working and aware of guidance and they need to be taught early to ground, discern and be stronger at times then energies who might try to persuade them otherwise. They need strong adults in their lives willing to shield and protect them during early years from being discouraged or blocked from a natural awareness of all that is around them. They are teachers if given the chance to be listened too. They are the future, the ultra sensitive awareness to better our world. You are the caretaker in a mission they have undertook to help them to grown and expand, to listen, and to provide the tools being searched for. In the eyes of the child – tomorrow needs our assistance.


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