
Showing posts from November, 2011

Image in the Mirror

Image in the Mirror Wherever you are in this world right now, find a mirror or a piece to reflect your image. All you need to say is “I forgive you and do not judge you” to that image and be right with your world. If you can step into being right with your world, you can step into being right with the world you see outside of the mirror. 2011, has been a challenging year for myself with a lot of soul searching, learning and expanding myself to the image in the mirror. A year of learning the value of blending without separation in many ways in a continuing journey to find the core on a deeper level. I took down my website this year – when it was destined to reach over a million in 2011, keeping the blog in the interim. My thoughts were in redesigning, letting go of what was, and venturing into what is. Letting go, separating, or any form of denial is not the answer. The site will be brought back up in blending. Blending is the answer. A passage in the Bible speaks of denying t...

In the case of Baby Lisa being abducted..

In the case of Baby Lisa being abducted.. As a rule, I keep my thoughts quiet in cases of missing persons, abductions or sensing the emotional profiling. As with other posts I have written, at times it is a matter of posting and letting it go regardless of the subject so I can relax from the thoughts. I also go with my first impressions and what I immediately received or thought. From that point on, the emotional mind starts interfering with media posts. I am not a cold reader and anyone I have worked with on healing or reading – the one request I have made it to not inform me of any perceptions they may have. Here I will state my first impressions, for whatever reason the prompting may be to do so. To rewind to the day of the abduction and first impression, I believed Baby Lisa was passed off to another couple. A plan clearly not thought out and possibly influenced by financial reasons or under the influence at he time of the players involved. Passing off the baby with the int...

Letter from Jayden

I received this letter from my oldest granddaughter over the weekend during a visit. She will be eight soon and of all gifts from grandchildren, those which are homemade in the heart are the most enduring. When I looked at the words, I could feel the tears starting which I quickly dispersed – a child tends to associate tears with pain rather than joy. The words are simple; the meaning came deep from within her. She is not immune to death, having attended more funerals from various causes in her life than many children will while growing up. I do not feel as if the letter was written from a fear, but yet a beauty of a little girl wanting grandma to know how much she cared. I thought maybe in words she might understand a reply might be in order. Dear Jayden, Thank you for your wonderful letter you wrote to grandma. Though I cannot promise you I will live forever in your world, I will live forever in your heart, where all people do when they are no longer on Earth. When you smi...

Mystic Eye Board

Mystic Eye board Knowing this world is moving into a state of desiring experiencing rather than just being flooded with information , there are some tools available anyone can use. One is the Mystic board. It is NOT a Quija Board. More so, used much as you would a pendulum which relates back in spelling the answers. It is fun and entertaining, though as with any other tool for communication needs to be used with discernment and control between yourself and the board. Above is a link to the site for more information. I, myself will not receive any profit whether you choose to purchase a board. Strictly an FYI for a tool.

Bullies of our spirit

Bullies of our spirit Webster's 1913 Dictionary Bul´ly Pronunciation: b n. 1. A noisy, blustering fellow, more insolent than courageous, who threatens, intimidates, or badgers people who are smaller or weaker than he is; an insolent, tyrannical fellow. Bullies seldom execute the threats they deal in. As adults, we see bullying of children as a horrific injustice to the nature or spirit of a child – yet as adults many feel they have survived beyond the bully. Children as bullies wear the hat of the child, as adults the hats are innumerable in styles and shapes throughout everyday life. As adults, bullies are condoned as being acceptable and often times needed or revered in life. This statement alone would have many adults shaking their heads and proclaiming in their own lives – bullies no longer exist. Yet they do. All forms of bullying imprint your energy field and spirit of who you are; bullies can range from the pulp...

Pulling, what is needed from your spiritual toolbox?

Pulling, what is needed from your spiritual toolbox? Absolutely every person has a spiritual toolbox, which holds a group of tools to be used either alone or in combination with others to achieve the outcome needed or desired. I personally do not care to call them gifts – only tools. Knowing your toolbox lies within your personal confidence and ability to use them, much the same as a carpenter’s toolbox. When the call arises, making use of the toolbox becomes natural to the user. At times, I use my toolbox as the mentalist for my own review. Hearing of a story in the news, which seems to be yet a mystery, chronically keeping my thoughts and waiting until resolution to compare. In the story of the bridges falling in Minnesota a few years ago, I knew immediately how the plates had shifted in the Earth and brought the bridges down, giving detailed explanation in terms normally I would not even understand. Being well aware law enforcement does not hold a significant amount of crede...