Bullies of our spirit

Bullies of our spirit


Webster's 1913 Dictionary

Bul´ly Pronunciation: b

n. 1. A noisy, blustering fellow, more insolent than courageous, who threatens, intimidates, or badgers people who are smaller or weaker than he is; an insolent, tyrannical fellow.

Bullies seldom execute the threats they deal in.

As adults, we see bullying of children as a horrific injustice to the nature or spirit of a child – yet as adults many feel they have survived beyond the bully. Children as bullies wear the hat of the child, as adults the hats are innumerable in styles and shapes throughout everyday life. As adults, bullies are condoned as being acceptable and often times needed or revered in life. This statement alone would have many adults shaking their heads and proclaiming in their own lives – bullies no longer exist. Yet they do.

All forms of bullying imprint your energy field and spirit of who you are; bullies can range from the pulpit, into business and politics in our everyday lives. Absolutely anyone who chooses to threaten or intimidate you for your beliefs or thoughts – is a bully! The person on the other end of the phone call who you choose to no longer respond too (often known as being harmless) has became a bully in your life and path. This we have allowed and accepted without giving definition to the bully or the predator of your self-esteem.

Does a person require bullying to recognize or realize the imprint? No, many times a bully can be those we give our deepest trust in life, and excuse the affect caused in life as being either or fault or lack of choice to distance from the bully. Anytime a preacher or spiritual leader in your life has equated your choices to the lesser than of hell – the act is intimidating and persuasive to be of the belief of another in bullying. Absolutely no one, through written word or passing of information has the true full knowledge of what lies beyond life – only interpretations being relayed via voice and doctrine to establish belief.

Age-old beliefs in which all-good people have one destination while all the bad people have another – yet for every ray of light there is a shadow and possibly the understanding of either lies in acknowledging both? Our voice is our weapon of choice in passing by the bully’s in life and facing the shadows of our experience in life. Intimidation can only be withstanding in effectiveness to a quiet voice. When is the last time you questioned your preacher or spiritual leader of what is being said? Your boss, for the disrespectful demeanor being shown or the politics, which govern your life for what has created an inequality in your life? Your voice whether used as a vocal tool or a tool in another form of expression removes the strength of the bully’s in your life. Ending the intimidation, demeaning condescending nature and rises above the oppression allowed weakening your spirit. Refusing to be bullied is refusing to carry the imprints of energy, which weaken who we are. Do you have a bully in your life today, which has weakened your voice or self-esteem? Use your voice and means of expression and stand up firmly on the grounding of your spiritual body for change. Experience the difference, only you can see your bullies – which only exist in you.


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