In the case of Baby Lisa being abducted..

In the case of Baby Lisa being abducted..

As a rule, I keep my thoughts quiet in cases of missing persons, abductions or sensing the emotional profiling. As with other posts I have written, at times it is a matter of posting and letting it go regardless of the subject so I can relax from the thoughts. I also go with my first impressions and what I immediately received or thought. From that point on, the emotional mind starts interfering with media posts. I am not a cold reader and anyone I have worked with on healing or reading – the one request I have made it to not inform me of any perceptions they may have. Here I will state my first impressions, for whatever reason the prompting may be to do so.

To rewind to the day of the abduction and first impression, I believed Baby Lisa was passed off to another couple. A plan clearly not thought out and possibly influenced by financial reasons or under the influence at he time of the players involved. Passing off the baby with the intent of a rather quick miracle recovery, quickly becoming marred by the national/international attention the case has drawn. If the planning was done with thoughts to previous local abductions or seeming tragedy, which was later found to be otherwise, the outpouring of local money and sympathy could have been key in something being done which quickly was found to not easily being reversed. The image I received of Lisa in the hours following the abduction was a future image of a toddler walking and dressed in warmer holiday type clothes, which gave an indication at that time, a recovery would be made by the holidays. When predicting with nature or weather involved the difference is the human mind and emotional changes which can be made in a split second and redirecting the outcome. I personally do not sense Lisa being on the other side.

Key players include a man who appears in hair/style/size to looking like a throw back to Tony Orlando in appearance of the seventies, longer full thick hair, and a mustache along with a woman in the 40ish range with light brown shoulder length hair. The woman was not sensed as being comfortable with the care of a child, possibly a lack of other children of her own. The name Diane, is the only one I have to offer – possibly not in relation to the woman seen, though a key name. I would not label any of these seen as kidnappers, rather players in an ill thought plan. I felt at the time, the span of hours between law enforcement being notified and the time the baby was seen by any other credible voice gave a span of enough time to safely transport the baby over various surrounding state lines, though felt she was taken north from the area of her home. An immediate change to her appearance was seen as darker hair, which would keep her identity more overlooked.

Even at this time, I do not sense the baby herself being uncomfortable. Those were the impressions received before the un-going media attention this case has drawn. Minneapolis/St.Paul Minnesota area itself could be key to the outcome of Baby Lisa, until then as the rest of the world – the opinion is mine alone. My hopes at this time are for Lisa to be recovered by the holidays. Regardless of the outcome, I am waiting to see why the outfit she was shown in – becomes an endnote in the case.


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