Pulling, what is needed from your spiritual toolbox?
Pulling, what is needed from your spiritual toolbox?
Absolutely every person has a spiritual toolbox, which holds a group of tools to be used either alone or in combination with others to achieve the outcome needed or desired. I personally do not care to call them gifts – only tools. Knowing your toolbox lies within your personal confidence and ability to use them, much the same as a carpenter’s toolbox. When the call arises, making use of the toolbox becomes natural to the user.
At times, I use my toolbox as the mentalist for my own review. Hearing of a story in the news, which seems to be yet a mystery, chronically keeping my thoughts and waiting until resolution to compare. In the story of the bridges falling in Minnesota a few years ago, I knew immediately how the plates had shifted in the Earth and brought the bridges down, giving detailed explanation in terms normally I would not even understand. Being well aware law enforcement does not hold a significant amount of credence for such observations; I keep my explanations to myself. How I know where my seemingly theories even if they are in left field from the direction being pursued is from the onset of knowing within seconds of hearing or observation before the mental processes start to de-evaluate my answers.
Tools used build strength through confidence of the user. First images and impressions are the most valid. The impressions build upon the initial images and grow in complexity, but it is the first image that lays the stone of truth. Many deny themselves a self-knowledge or confidence in using their toolbox, which has been given. “No, it can’t be” thoughts overtake the first image, thoughts of peers or society ebb away at impressions allowing disillusion to take strength, and doubt takes strength over truth.
First impressions come from a space beyond the thoughts we are more likely to have programmed and accepted. The same hold true when asking yourself a question, your first response in thought many times gives way to an impression built on logic rather than response. We give way to doubt over truth feeling this to be more compliant with the logical. Logic as a tool in itself rarely exist in your toolbox, rather logic could be seen as the collagen in using a group of tools, many times being the gluing factor which brings a set of necessary tools together for explanation.
Are you aware of your tools! Can you identify tools, which have been used and then doubted? Awareness is the containment of the tools. Once you are aware of the existence of the tools – use becomes a passion in your life and trust envelopes the spiritual carpenter entrusted to the tools. In life, there are three properties to be explored:
The real is the imagined
The imagined is real
It just is..
Your toolbox holds the fiber or faith in the third property spiritually – “It just is.. “
Open yourself to allowing your toolbox to be part of who you are, learn your tools, use your tools, and find the usage of your tools from within. There really isn’t any “Secret” in doing so.. Begin to explore the first impressions of your soul.
Always open to comments: What are your thoughts?