The Love/Loss and Love again of (Canine) Friends

The Love/Loss and Love again of (Canine) Friends Brenna Forbes During the winter of 2006, I lost two dogs I dearly loved. One, a six year old black Pudel Pointer we named Brenna and one, being a St. Bernard/Australian Sheppard mix known as Forbes. Brenna, on December 16, right before Christmas and Forbes on January 17, just as the new-year was being ushered in as 2007. Brenna, being a runner whenever she found the chance, one afternoon broke free while my son was taking her out to be on her tethered run. As a rule, she always ran for about six minutes and returned. On this afternoon, she took her run in the later afternoon as the school busses were dropping off children. Brenna sighted a bus and watched it pass – then ran like lightening and placed her body under the rear wheel of a bus she was losing the pace of catching up to. Essentially, Brenna committed suicide – though as I hope this story will show, it was an act of love for Forbes. For...