A Prayer Request

A Prayer Request

I work part-time in the retail industry, where employees are far fewer than the customers are and last night a woman approached me and said, “You are a prayer person aren’t you? One of those people that can help other people.” I told her I did pray and had seen the help.

She told me of having two children with neurological illnesses, her husband was away from the home – and she could not even find a sitter for the children because of their illnesses. She needed to buy items for school and had to leave them alone in the house, since she could not manage to bring them.

This mother was worn out, physically and mentally at the end of a day and seeking assistance. This has happened to me before – where people come with the same request. As a rule, in the past they have been much older and visibly sick themselves.

Tonight, along with myself – I am sending out a prayer request for this mother and her children, all in need of healing and peace of mind. I only interact on behalf of another with my own guidance clearing the way. With children or others, I take into account of their own path in this world – and the interaction in relation to the path, before proceeding. When asking my own guidance about this last night, I was told, “She would not have known you, if she had not been directed to you.”

Tonight, I am sending this prayer request across this world. It is not necessary to have names or locations = they are already known and will be received in accordance with the request. If you can find it in your heart tonight regardless of where you are on this earth – say a prayer for a mother and children. The prayer you say for them will be magnified in a like manner to others across the world tonight.



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