Inspiration for My Spiritual Windows

I have been asked who inspired me to create an online website or forum. The person was John Winthrop Austin, webmaster and friend of author James Redfield. In September of 2004, sitting in an office in Chicago I received an email from John, asking to use my beach spirit picture in the monthly web magazine he was doing from James site. I agreed, and from the few conversations I had with John, knew he was a special person.

The photo, was used as he had intended, though when the articles did not change the next month, I inquired and found out John had died suddenly in November of 2004. The photo, which was included, was to be in his last set of articles created. The comment made by John in our brief encounter was “where is the website to link for you?” At the time, a website did not exist – what was born from his inquiry is the ongoing use of My Spiritual Windows in cyber.

The picture shown on the link taken after his death shows the green light, which is also seen on my photo taken on the beach of Malibu as I stood in the waters as the sun was going down during a vacation trip to southern CA. For myself, green is the color of healing. Just maybe – John’s image he was sending back was being now part of healing and transformation. I will not say RIP John; he is far from just resting – though in highest peace. Thank you John for your inspiration.


Anonymous said…
Reading this today on his birthday, I continue to celebrate him and his life. I feel him with me always. Love Mara
The syncronicity (sp) of the encounter with John for myself, will never be forgotten. My Spiritual Windows has circled the people of this world from his prompting never imagining he would be leaving this world so soon afterwards.

Happy Birthday to Mr. John Austin! Infinite and wonderful, you are still touching lives!

Blessings Mara

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