
Showing posts from June, 2011

Question # 10 – How would you answer?

Question # 10 – How would you answer? 10) Can I be the blessed saint that my future happiness will always remember? Here's the explanation for what sounds like a strange question. I have a poem called "Coleman's Bed" about a place in the West of Ireland where the Irish saint Coleman lived. The last line of that poem calls on the reader to remember "the quiet, robust and blessed saint that your future happiness will always remember." We go to places of pilgrimage where saints have lived, or even to Graceland, where Elvis lived, because these people gave something to the rest of us—music or good works— that has carried on down the years and that was a generous gift to the future. But that blessed saint could also be yourself—the person who, in this moment, makes a decision that can make a bold path into the years to come and whom your future happiness will alwa...

My Spiritual WIndows website

My Spiritual Windows website   at this time is being recreated on a new host provider. The provider I have used since creating the website, I felt no longer provided the technology software I desired for the site. Older content will be available on the new site - though moving forward will be the intent with a new format using Flash technology. Windows was a site with over 100 pages to filter through and decide upon in the recreation. Stay tuned, the Windows will be coming back! Thank you to all across this world who have supported and visited My Spiritual Windows website and may through the recreation the Windows will reach even further across this world of ours! 

Looking for the unique book! Read mine, one of a kind energy ride!

 Moniko is not a large book, though you can read the parables many times and find a new understanding each time. Layered uniquely to bring a reader back to the pages time and again. One of a kind. Share the link on your pages or blogs.  Blessings! Adventures of Moniko:Evolution of the Soul through the Spirit of the Child

Summer Solstice 2011

Summer Solstice June 21, 2011 Summer Solstice is the time of growth, fertilizing with intent and focusing on the growth of desires made in the time of the Spring Equinox. Introspection of creating your desires of the time of Equinox became the seeds of your growing cycle. A time of the year used both spiritually and physically in this world to give substance to new ideas and planning for the future, in a time when the universe takes hold of planning whether positive or negative and brings to a greater possibility of maturing the intent.  In North America, the native Americans seen this time as growing corn, though the truth of the Solstice applies to all geographically or spiritually, with growth being key. Solstice can be seen as the time of challenge or balance in creating a flow for harvesting in the Fall Equinox. In business, this time can be seen in planning growth, with expectations outlined for a new year. Busyness with longer days and sunshine enhancing the spirit of p...

"Waking Up"

“Waking Up” Life as we know it is a process of slumber, being the dreamer in a physical manifestation called mortality. Over the last several weeks, a former sister-n-law of mine considered a cancer survivor had cancer sweep once again through her and passed this weekend. She never reached her “retirement years, seen her grandchildren marry in this world, or was ready to wake from this slumber by choice. She had so many visions of events being felt would never be part of her life. Many of the undone wishes found to be incomplete, as if thinking just give me a little more time to work on my “bucket list” God! Known to be a fighter in life in finding her desires accomplished, just fading away - was not a final choice or desire. As in the dreamer, just let me slumber a little while longer.  On Saturday the 18 th , I was pulled into a vision with her. Still attached to this dream we called life, I pulled on her hand and shouted “DEBBIE – WAKE UP! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU ...

Saturn the Final Frontier

Check out the link for Saturn, The Final Frontier.. Saturn the Final Frontier

Visualize yourself in the rocking chair

If you ever need a place to rest and find focus again, visualize yourself in my rocking chair looking at the forest almost a touch of a hand away and find the peace! Blessings, Linda

“Information is Data, Knowledge is Experience”

“Information is Data, Knowledge is Experience ” Our planet is moving into the cusp of experience. Moving beyond a thirst for data towards the thirst for experience and this movement is not isolated too mankind alone, the desire is energetic with all forms of life being energy. The flow of energy; continually changing with the thirst and desire to experience change and retrieve knowledge of all things conceivable to thought and dynamics.  Books, reading or data acquired no longer satisfy as experience of our existence. Being challenged and recreated through the connecting energy of our environment, thought and processes of living are creating a satisfaction of knowledge gained. Our energy fields are not only awake, they are constant receivers to our neural systems which creates the stimulus and acknowledges an experience throughout our physical being and world. We are connected in fine tuning which understood creates peace and misunderstood in receiving creates chaos from the ...

Interpet my dream

Last night I had one of those "out of left field" dreams which to myself, when brought in such a way they are telling a significance in life. I could put my own interpretation of this dream here - though I would rather hear the thoughts from the readers. You can leave a comment anonymously. Two significant points of the dream were two dragon like beings flying without being in pursuit or appearing dangerously - mile or more in size. When I looked to the sky, instead of clouds, etc. the appearance of the Earth being within a bubble underneath a massive ocean world. People were huddled inside buildings - I didn't sense any danger and stepped out to the wonderment which was being seen.  The floor is now open to your interpretation of the dream. Join in! Blessings, Linda