“Information is Data, Knowledge is Experience”
“Information is Data, Knowledge is Experience”
Our planet is moving into the cusp of experience. Moving beyond a thirst for data towards the thirst for experience and this movement is not isolated too mankind alone, the desire is energetic with all forms of life being energy. The flow of energy; continually changing with the thirst and desire to experience change and retrieve knowledge of all things conceivable to thought and dynamics.
Books, reading or data acquired no longer satisfy as experience of our existence. Being challenged and recreated through the connecting energy of our environment, thought and processes of living are creating a satisfaction of knowledge gained. Our energy fields are not only awake, they are constant receivers to our neural systems which creates the stimulus and acknowledges an experience throughout our physical being and world. We are connected in fine tuning which understood creates peace and misunderstood in receiving creates chaos from the same intent – a pursuit of knowledge.
Our questioning and thought processing increasing and becoming more complex, with each question leading to another pursuit! Coming closer to understanding a universal mind which stretches beyond the capacity of times gone by. People relying on an internal drive to resolve rather than accept as being so. The very basics of what might seem as being an explanation can be found in our own knowledge of computer technology and cyber indulgence. Books of the past gave insight beyond our world and possible expectations. Possibly the most common thread accepted is “there is more beyond” physical life – with teachings of how to approach life.
Examining your own knowledge of the computer system in front of you, could be used as a roadmap of how experience relates to intent and gaining the knowledge of experiencing the greater with planned and mapped precision. Networking, folder storage, related drives with favorites and preferences creating a focus of plan of engineering of design. Only you – can create that design in a way, which satisfies your desire of storing data and mapping intent for the experience of your design.
No longer can a government, author, workshop of form of leading data information satisfy the heart and soul response of your own thought process in satisfying your desire to experience. Experience comes when your neural system triggers the physical sensors throughout your body of energy and tells you this is what you have searched for to open all sensory channels beyond our physical data.
As you do, you link into the vibration of another to assist and tap into the realization and validation of experiencing your intent. From your energy connection to another, the wave of energy is drawn stronger in alliance to many more streams – bringing resolution to the soul process of experience. We have seen these waves strengthening not only in our country and the tolerance or intolerance of what does not satisfy and across the planet. We have seen the energetic of nature creating new streams to find stability out of chaos. We have seen images shown from space to Earth showing the change of colors of the energy being emitted from our planet.
This is a working energetic force created by each living thought process and desire for experience. Knowledge and growing into experience, through our process of thought and finding understanding from within. The crown of our intent, taking life and becoming manifested in our choice of resolution and thirst for experience. Points of mapping, now creating new folders of life directions and choices to expand the human consciousness into one consciousness. We are one consciousness which has been sleeping and now have chosen to awaken and expand beyond the limited neural accesses once accepted as being sufficient. Just possibly the secret of life is choosing to expand into a greater consciousness in knowing only life exists without death, only chosen points to exist or cease to exist in the processing and resolution obtained in thought.
The dynamics of this process is static in flow with the ability to continually change our point of access and stability in gaining knowledge. What are your points of mapping being created, are the preferences of your desire or a need for programming changing to experience changing the way you allow your inner drives to flow and function? Just a little stimulation of thought – in recreation.