"Waking Up"
“Waking Up”
Life as we know it is a process of slumber, being the dreamer in a physical manifestation called mortality. Over the last several weeks, a former sister-n-law of mine considered a cancer survivor had cancer sweep once again through her and passed this weekend. She never reached her “retirement years, seen her grandchildren marry in this world, or was ready to wake from this slumber by choice. She had so many visions of events being felt would never be part of her life. Many of the undone wishes found to be incomplete, as if thinking just give me a little more time to work on my “bucket list” God! Known to be a fighter in life in finding her desires accomplished, just fading away - was not a final choice or desire. As in the dreamer, just let me slumber a little while longer.
On Saturday the 18th, I was pulled into a vision with her. Still attached to this dream we called life, I pulled on her hand and shouted “DEBBIE – WAKE UP! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU – JUST WAKE UP!” Pulling her energy, from being attached to this world and letting go. At that point, I knew myself she was gone, though only to have it verified on the 19th. It is not unusual for myself to make those connections when death is either imminent or shortly after, especially with family or friends. I cannot explain it, it just happens.
We are taught and programmed all our lives that mortality is the reality and the unknown is the fear. Many times, people who pass suddenly or with knowledge are still unwilling are troubled to wake from the slumber and dream they have created. A process we redo constantly with a new morning and wakening is feared when the wake is complete. At times, people tend to hold on without a conscious knowledge of time stretching over many years as a still moment of mortality. Debbie woke from her slumber to end this dream space without fear and acceptance. At this time, for those she loved she will be connected without the emotion sending relief for the grief and comfort the pain unaware as she completes disconnecting from the dream, though now awake and understanding of life beyond the capability of mortality.
Life is a process of slumbering and awakening, paralleled beyond our imagination simultaneously through the doors of entrance and exit and the windows of change throughout many dreams connected as one. Bringing the understanding as if each dream brought the answer to a question called life. Death only exists in limited thinking and belief. Death does not exist beyond mortality, and is known to only bring another truth into focus.
This week a family unit extended many times through lineage and friendships will say goodbye to Debbie in many ways, taking on the grieving of the living to find cleansing and hearts connected. My wish is that the cleansing is allowed to be accepted and complete, for she has not left – only awakened from the dream. God speed Debbie is assisting those who have felt your mortal departure.
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