
Showing posts from February, 2010

Religious “Rites” of children

Image Religious “Rites” of children Chicago today is host to a courtroom decision, in regard to religious upbringing of a small child. Both sides, debating on how their three year old daughter should be influenced religiously/spiritually in life until adulthood beyond the years of parenting a child, with the father being loosely Catholic and the mother being Jewish in her beliefs with the resulting lawsuit based on pre-marital contracting where as any children would be raised Jewish in her mother’s argument to the courts. Child’s father is accused and shown taking the young girl to be baptized in defiance of the mother’s permission and wishes, resulting in the mother insisting the father be placed in jail for six months. Religious choice now being used as the adult act of defiance to possibly underlying issues not made public. Now the child has been baptized into Christianity as a s...

Room With a View

Room with a View From the first moment of life with eyes wide open we are directed to view the outside world in life. Eyes given as the projector to see life around our surroundings first, absorbing sounds and actions in our environment and then returned to the inner senses for processing, looking beyond and bringing within for analysis. For an individual who is born without the sense of seeing or hearing senses a reversal is used in processing, feeling and analyzing from within to process what is not being seen or heard outside of themselves. Learning, an existence from a room with a view, as we grow and develop and sometimes compensate in many ways our way through the structure of mortality known as our physical life and times in this world. Eyes are a window to the soul used in duality as observations lenses to intake all which is chosen to process, in a person born without sight the process differs in physical form though it is no less with the same achievement. Growing, learn...


Attending his brother’s elementary school Fun Fair, 16 year old Austin spent the moments elapsing into a two hour span, with 6 year old Aidan. Eventful fun many times through the years for Austin and yet a new event in the life of his little brother still to be explored and experienced. As many teenagers might do, Austin observed his brother play in silliness jumping on a Moonwalk and knocking stacks of cans from a pile. Thoughts being present, yet traveling too times past in his own life; progressing through the elementary years of life as he aged beyond the hallways now being traveled by his younger sibling. Last stop of their adventure through the fair being the sixth grade rooms Austin remembered so well and surprised to be greeted by a teacher of those years who decided to show today for the fair again, no longer employed in the school and by chance a student and teacher who appreciated each other equally found a special moment to reconnect. Crossing the threshold of one last ev...


Labels Labels used in life to define our personal belief system, which we are, what we do or how we love become limitations seen and judgments through perceptions of another. Upon meeting another person regardless of knowing further definition we make a choice in the moment on feeling rather than perceiving how a further knowing of this person would influence our life. Oh how the perception can change when a new face is immediately defined with a sub-category of religion or thought belief which is not embraced in your own thought. You might meet “Tom” at a gathering and have a great interaction, though how would the meeting be held in thought if “Tom” introduced himself as “Hi, I’m Tom - Muslim and homosexual”, judgment in some would tend to flare with communication ceasing in a belief that “Tom” would not be a person you chose to know further, due to the definition of labels rather than the definition of heart in meeting this person? How many displeasures, in your life do you eas...

Life's Highway

Life’s Highway I had one of those “minute” dreams yesterday, a dream where you seem to just zone out or sleep for a very short period of time though also dreams I pay attention too for the content. I was in my car driving, the windshield was dirty and I was sitting in a position which was partially reclined and unable to reach the pedals quickly. I could vaguely see obstacles on the road though I would maneuver around them at the same time, my thoughts were to stop the car but I was unable to do so, from the position I was in. Though I did not feel any danger from being in this position while driving, I definitely felt frustrated in not being able to sit up and take clearer control. My take: I am in motion, although my vision of where I am headed is clouded or obstructed at this time in the direction I choose to take. I need to come up from a reclining or laid back position, not for the ability to apply the brakes, rather to clear my vision and focus on increasing speed regardles...