Life's Highway

Life’s Highway

I had one of those “minute” dreams yesterday, a dream where you seem to just zone out or sleep for a very short period of time though also dreams I pay attention too for the content. I was in my car driving, the windshield was dirty and I was sitting in a position which was partially reclined and unable to reach the pedals quickly. I could vaguely see obstacles on the road though I would maneuver around them at the same time, my thoughts were to stop the car but I was unable to do so, from the position I was in. Though I did not feel any danger from being in this position while driving, I definitely felt frustrated in not being able to sit up and take clearer control.

My take:

I am in motion, although my vision of where I am headed is clouded or obstructed at this time in the direction I choose to take. I need to come up from a reclining or laid back position, not for the ability to apply the brakes, rather to clear my vision and focus on increasing speed regardless of thoughts that may detract from my vision I have set in motion. All obstacles will be possible to maneuver around with ease even with clouded intent and by improving my ability to focus on the road ahead, the destination will have greater clarity.

Fast forward to evening:

Anyone who does know me, also knows I do energy work in healing. A part of myself which feels natural and without doubt, I work retail part-time a few nights a week and last night an elderly woman who I had talked to in passing (more so just listening in times past) came into the store. Telling me she had driven to the store tonight because snow was predicted for tomorrow and she wanted to find me. Never having mentioned in the work place to customers what I do – she asked me “you do prayers don’t you? You know prayers for the sick? I am sick and I need prayers for the sick, so I drove up here tonight to find you” at that point I felt myself being touched by energy. I told her I was glad she came tonight, because tomorrow I would not have been working. “You will do the sick prayers for me then?” was her question again. I told her yes, I would do her sick prayers. “God bless you and thank you, I knew I would find you” and she proceeded to tell me now she would shop for her Valentine’s present. She found a multi-colored red sweater and tried it on and I commented how nice it looked on her. She looked at me and said “I don’t have a Valentine’s anymore, so I always buy myself a present and wear it all day as my own Valentine.

What or who brought her into the store tonight I can only believe that spirit is always moving, talking and prompting on some level from within ourselves. For her, asking for energy work was “sick prayers” though it is all the same. She has sent, I honored her request and it might not be the last time I see her. A co-worker who was with me last night after she tried on the sweater and asked again for me to not forget her prayers, which I then explained her request looked at me and said “watch out, next time she might be bringing all her friends with her!” So be it, it is who I am and just maybe last night the windshield on my car became more cleared along with the road I am on. Sitting up again in the driver’s seat and steering my path from passion and strength given to me as I maneuver down the road of life with a messenger who I did not see as any obstacle, rather a message of intent to step on the pedal.

Messengers are not always those we feel we might know, rather those we do not know who spirit puts on our path on life’s highway.



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